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Unixtimedate conversion [delphi]

{ Here's another Unit from me, This time it's a Unix to DelphiTimeDate and ViceVersa Conversion Routines... Andre Jakobs MicroBrain Technologies Inc. The Netherlands unit U_DateTime; { written by Andre Jakobs from MicroBrain Technologies Inc. This Unit Converts UNIX timestamps and Delphi timestamps Unix stores the TimeDate in a four byte long-integer(DoubleWord), As the number of seconds since 1-januari-1970 0:0:0 ..... Delphi stores the TimeDate in TDateTime (a Float), where the integer part of TDateTime type is the Number of days since 1-januari-0001 0:0:0 and the floating-point part the fractional Part of the day} interface const UnixStartDate : tdatetime = 719163.0; function DelphiDateTimeToUnix(ConvDate:TdateTime):longint; function UnixToDelphiDateTime(USec:longint):TDateTime; implementation (*-----------------------------------------------------------*) (* D e l p h i D a t e T i m e T o U N I X *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------*) function DelphiDateTimeToUnix(ConvDate:TdateTime):longint; {Converts Delphi TDateTime to Unix seconds, ConvDate = the Date and Time that you want to convert example: UnixSeconds:=DelphiDateTimeToUnix(Now);} begin Result:=round((ConvDate-UnixStartDate)*86400); end; (*-----------------------------------------------------------*) (* U N I X T o D e l p h i D a t e T i m e *) (*-----------------------------------------------------------*) function UnixToDelphiDateTime(USec:longint):TDateTime; {Converts Unix seconds to Delphi TDateTime, USec = the Unix Date Time that you want to convert example: DelphiTimeDate:=UnixToDelphiTimeDate(693596);} begin Result:=(Usec/86400)+UnixStartDate; end; end.