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Undocumented Detect If an Application Has Stopped Responding

Title: Undocumented: Detect If an Application Has Stopped Responding Question: In many situations you might like to detect if an application is blocked. For example while automating Word, you'd like to know if Word has stopped responding. This article describes how to detect if an application has stopped responding using some undocumented functions. Answer: { // Translated from C to Delphi by Thomas Stutz // First published at // Original Code: // (c)1999 Ashot Oganesyan K, SmartLine, Inc //,, The code doesn't use the Win32 API SendMessageTimout function to determine if the target application is responding but calls undocumented functions from the User32.dll. -- For Windows 95/98/ME we call the IsHungThread() API The function IsHungAppWindow retrieves the status (running or not responding) of the specified application IsHungAppWindow(Wnd: HWND): // handle to main app's window BOOL; -- For NT/2000/XP the IsHungAppWindow() API: The function IsHungThread retrieves the status (running or not responding) of the specified thread IsHungThread(DWORD dwThreadId): // The thread's identifier of the main app's window BOOL; Unfortunately, Microsoft doesn't provide us with the exports symbols in the User32.lib for these functions, so we should load them dynamically using the GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress functions: } // For Win9x/ME function IsAppRespondig9x(dwThreadId: DWORD): Boolean; type TIsHungThread = function(dwThreadId: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; var hUser32: THandle; IsHungThread: TIsHungThread; begin Result := True; hUser32 := GetModuleHandle('user32.dll'); if (hUser32 0) then begin @IsHungThread := GetProcAddress(hUser32, 'IsHungThread'); if Assigned(IsHungThread) then begin Result := not IsHungThread(dwThreadId); end; end; end; // For Win NT/2000/XP function IsAppRespondigNT(wnd: HWND): Boolean; type TIsHungAppWindow = function(wnd:hWnd): BOOL; stdcall; var hUser32: THandle; IsHungAppWindow: TIsHungAppWindow; begin Result := True; hUser32 := GetModuleHandle('user32.dll'); if (hKernel 0) then begin @IsHungAppWindow := GetProcAddress(hUser32, 'IsHungAppWindow'); if Assigned(IsHungAppWindow) then begin Result := not IsHungAppWindow(wnd); end; end; end; function IsAppRespondig(Wnd: HWND): Boolean; begin if not IsWindow(Wnd) then begin ShowMessage('Incorrect window handle'); Exit; end; if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then Result := IsAppRespondigNT(wnd) else Result := IsAppRespondig9X(GetWindowThreadProcessId(wnd,nil)); end; // Example: Check if Word is hung/responing procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var Res: DWORD; h: HWND; begin // Find Word by classname h := FindWindow(PChar('OpusApp'), nil); if h 0 then begin if IsAppRespondig(h) then ShowMessage('Word is responding') else ShowMessage('Word is not responding'); end else ShowMessage('Word is not open'); end;