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Undo Redo using State (update 2)

Title: Undo - Redo using State (update 2) Question: Do you need to implement undo and redo in your application? Here is a simple method, with source, that does the job for small data (up to 20 or 100K in memory) [update 1: fixed 1 problem found in unit UndoRedoState, needed to set stream position to 0 before calling SetState] Answer: An implementation of Undo - Redo using State. (See Also Using Commands) ($2.00 EMail assistance for usage and implementation + example application, go to There are 2 methods of Undo-Redo that I know of. The first is saving the current state of the system into a list before it is modified. There would be a GetState and SetState method of your editor. The second method is to store commands, where each command can undo and redo itself. Saving state is a good choice when your editor data is small such as 10 to 20K and your editor has many capabilities. Saving state is a simple solution. If you are doing image editing then you could get by with using a file to store your undo and redo information. A vector graphics editor would be a good choice here because vectors do not need much storage space. The more complex solution of storing commands requires much more coding but is nessesary when your editor edits large amounts of data and storing its state would be too time consuming. A word processor is an example. I have coded an Undo-Redo State class.. here is how it works. There is the main class that holds the state snapshots (TUndoRedoState), then there is the interface "IState" that has 2 methods, GetState and SetState. I implemented this by making my editor form implement the IState interface. The main class is created and passed the IState interface. Calling Undo and Redo makes calls to GetState and SetState. If you do not like the way I use an interface then you can easily change the class to accept method pointers to some GetState and SetState method, but I prefer the Interface. Example of usage: { Author William Egge, Download this working example at This is a demo of using TUndoRedoState. Created June 13, 2001 Enjoy! } unit Frm_UndoRedoExample; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, UndoRedoState, _State; type // Make this form implement the IState interface to be used // by the UndoRedoState object. TForm_UndoRedoExample = class(TForm, IState) FDrawSurface: TImage; FRedoBtn: TSpeedButton; FUndoBtn: TSpeedButton; FDirections: TLabel; procedure Ev_FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Ev_FUndoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Ev_FRedoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Ev_FDrawSurfaceMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Ev_FDrawSurfaceMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Ev_FDrawSurfaceMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Ev_FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FUndoRedo: TUndoRedoState; FMouseDown: Boolean; public { Public declarations } // Methods that implement the IState interface procedure GetState(S: TStream); procedure SetState(S: TStream); end; var Form_UndoRedoExample: TForm_UndoRedoExample; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.GetState(S: TStream); begin FDrawSurface.Picture.Bitmap.SaveToStream(S); end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.SetState(S: TStream); begin FDrawSurface.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(S); end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // Create a bitmap to draw on with FDrawSurface.Picture.Bitmap do begin Width:= FDrawSurface.Width; Height:= FDrawSurface.Height; end; // Create the UndoRedo object, this form implements the state interface FUndoRedo:= TUndoRedoState.Create(Self); end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FUndoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin FUndoRedo.Undo; end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FRedoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin FUndoRedo.Redo; end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FDrawSurfaceMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin // It is possible to get 2 mouse down events with no mouse up event, but rarely // Get out when this happens and let mouse up reset it to false. if FMouseDown then Exit; FMouseDown:= True; FUndoRedo.BeginModify; // Set our start point where you first click FDrawSurface.Canvas.MoveTo(X, Y); end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FDrawSurfaceMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin // Draw if FMouseDown then FDrawSurface.Canvas.LineTo(X, Y); end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FDrawSurfaceMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin // Finished Editing if FMouseDown then begin FUndoRedo.EndModify; FMouseDown:= False; end; end; procedure TForm_UndoRedoExample.Ev_FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FUndoRedo.Free; end; end. Happy coding! Download the source from the url. Full Source of UndoRedoState.pas and _State.pas: 2 units: =============================== unit _State; interface uses Classes; type IState = interface procedure GetState(S: TStream); procedure SetState(S: TStream); end; implementation end. ============================ [ver 2, update: fixed problem where setting state the stream needed to be set back to position 0 before calling setState] unit UndoRedoState; { Author William Egge } interface uses _State, Classes, SysUtils; // A value of 0 for MaxMemoryUsage means unlimited (default). type TUndoRedoState = class private FState: IState; FUndoRedoList: TList; FModifyCount: Integer; FUndoPos: Integer; FTailState: TStream; FMaxMemoryUsage: LongWord; FCurrMemUsage: LongWord; function CreateCurrentState: TStream; procedure SetMaxMemoryUsage(const Value: LongWord); procedure TruncToMem; public constructor Create(AState: IState); property MaxMemoryUsage: LongWord read FMaxMemoryUsage write SetMaxMemoryUsage; procedure BeginModify; procedure EndModify; procedure Undo; procedure Redo; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation { TUndoRedoState } procedure TUndoRedoState.BeginModify; var I: Integer; S: TStream; begin Inc(FModifyCount); if FModifyCount = 1 then begin for I:= FUndoRedoList.Count-1 downto FUndoPos+1 do begin S:= FUndoRedoList[I]; Dec(FCurrMemUsage, S.Size); FUndoRedoList.Delete(I); S.Free; end; S:= CreateCurrentState; Inc(FCurrMemUsage, S.Size); FUndoRedoList.Add(S); FUndoPos:= FUndoRedoList.Count-1; if FTailState nil then begin Dec(FCurrMemUsage, FTailState.Size); FreeAndNil(FTailState); end; TruncToMem; end; end; constructor TUndoRedoState.Create(AState: IState); begin Assert(AState nil, 'AState should not be nil for ' +'"TUndoRedoState.Create(AState: IState)"'); inherited Create; FState:= AState; FUndoRedoList:= TList.Create; FUndoPos:= -1; end; function TUndoRedoState.CreateCurrentState: TStream; begin Result:= TMemoryStream.Create; try FState.GetState(Result); except Result.Free; raise; end; end; destructor TUndoRedoState.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin FState:= nil; for I:= 0 to FUndoRedoList.Count-1 do TObject(FUndoRedoList[I]).Free; FTailState.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TUndoRedoState.EndModify; begin Assert(FModifyCount 0, 'TUndoRedoState.EndModify: EndModify was called ' +'more times than BeginModify'); Dec(FModifyCount); end; procedure TUndoRedoState.Redo; var FRedoPos: Integer; S: TStream; begin Assert(FModifyCount=0, 'TUndoRedoState.Redo: should not be called while ' +'modifying'); if (FUndoRedoList.Count 0) and (FUndoPos begin FRedoPos:= FUndoPos+2; if FRedoPos (FUndoRedoList.Count-1) then begin FTailState.Position:= 0; FState.SetState(FTailState); Dec(FCurrMemUsage, FTailState.Size); FreeAndNil(FTailState); end else begin S:= FUndoRedoList[FRedoPos]; S.Position:= 0; FState.SetState(S); end; Inc(FUndoPos); end; end; procedure TUndoRedoState.SetMaxMemoryUsage(const Value: LongWord); begin FMaxMemoryUsage := Value; end; procedure TUndoRedoState.TruncToMem; var S: TStream; begin if (FMaxMemoryUsage 0) and (FCurrMemUsage FMaxMemoryUsage) then begin while (FUndoRedoList.Count 0) and (FCurrMemUsage FMaxMemoryUsage) do begin S:= FUndoRedoList[0]; FUndoRedoList.Delete(0); Dec(FCurrMemUsage, S.Size); Dec(FUndoPos); S.Free; end; if (FUndoRedoList.Count = 0) and (FCurrMemUsage FMaxMemoryUsage) then if FTailState nil then begin Dec(FCurrMemUsage, FTailState.Size); FreeAndNil(FTailState); end; end; end; procedure TUndoRedoState.Undo; var S: TStream; begin Assert(FModifyCount=0, 'TUndoRedoState.Undo: should not be called while ' +'modifying'); if FUndoPos = 0 then begin if FUndoPos = (FUndoRedoList.Count-1) then begin FTailState:= CreateCurrentState; Inc(FCurrMemUsage, FTailState.Size); end; S:= FUndoRedoList[FUndoPos]; S.Position:= 0; Dec(FUndoPos); FState.SetState(S); TruncToMem; end; end; end.