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Ultimate CSV parsing procedure

Title: Ultimate CSV parsing procedure Question: Elegant CSV parser procedure to handle all the probabilities of the CSV exported file. Answer: The delphi provided "CommaText" can handle the string which is in system data format (SDF) and Spaces and commas that are not contained within double quote marks are treated as delimiters. If the format of CSV file is unknown, data imported from this can mess up the database. Result of Delphi "CommaText" function for the following string: "My Name Your Name" Result: My Name Your Name "My Name, Your Name" Result: My Name, Your Name My Name, Your Name Result: My Name Your Name My Name Your Name Result: My Name Your Name CSV exported file can have all these probability of string output. Here is the elegant procedure to handle all these probabilities. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // ParseCSVLine by Perry Way procedure ParseCSVLine(ALine: string; AFields: TStrings); var iState: cardinal; i: cardinal; iLength: cardinal; sField: string; begin // determine length of input // iLength := Length(ALine); // exit if empty string // if iLength = 0 then Exit; // initialize State Machine // iState := 0; sField := ''; // state machine // for i := 1 to iLength do begin case iState of //--------------------------------------------------------------// 0: // unknown // begin sField := ''; case ALine[i] of '"': // start of embedded quotes or commas // begin iState := 2; end; ',': // empty field // begin AFields.Add(sField); end; else begin // start of regular field // sField := ALine[i]; iState := 1; end; end; // case ALine[i] of // end; // 0 // //--------------------------------------------------------------// 1: // continuation of regular field // begin case ALine[i] of ',': // end of regular field // begin AFields.Add(sField); // if end of input, then we know there remains a "null" field // if (i = iLength) then begin AFields.Add(''); end // (i = iLength) // else begin iState := 0; end; end; else // concatenate current char // begin sField := sField + ALine[i]; if (i = iLength) then // EOL // AFields.Add(sField); end; end; // case ALine[i] // end; // 1 // //--------------------------------------------------------------// 2: // continuation of embedded quotes or commas // begin case ALine[i] of '"': // end of embedded comma field or beginning of embedded quote // begin if (i begin if (ALine[i+1] = ',') then begin // end of embedded comma field // iState := 1 end else begin iState := 3; end; end else begin // end of field since end of line // AFields.Add(sField); end; end else // concatenate current char // begin sField := sField + ALine[i]; end; end; // case ALine[i] // end; // 2 // //--------------------------------------------------------------// 3: // beginning of embedded quote // begin case ALine[i] of '"': begin sField := sField + ALine[i]; iState := 2; end; end; // case ALine[i] // end; // 3 // //--------------------------------------------------------------// end; // case iState // end; // for i := 1 to iLength // end; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Related articles: 1. Simple parsing procedure and function (article_2494) 2. Quick and Dirty CSV file parsing (article_1367)