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Txt 2 rtf

Convert text to RTF Contributor: ROBERT CRAM Why not use the TRichEdit Control to do the work for you? I created an extended RichEdit control with a RTFText property that you can read and write to. To do conversions, just set the text property of the control, and read the RTFtext and vice versa. TAXRichEdit = class(TRichEdit) private { Private declarations } FStream: TMemoryStream; procedure SetRTFText(RichText: string); function GetRTFText: string; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published { Published declarations } property RTFText: string read GetRTFText write SetRTFText; end; implementation constructor TAXRichEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin Inherited Create(AOwner); FStream := TMemoryStream.Create; end; destructor TAXRichEdit.Destroy; begin FStream.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TAXRichEdit.SetRTFText(RichText: string); begin FStream.Clear; FStream.WriteBuffer(RichText[1], Length(RichText)); FStream.Position := 0; Lines.LoadFromStream(FStream); end; function TAXRichEdit.GetRTFText: string; begin FStream.Clear; Lines.SaveToStream(FStream); Result := PChar(FStream.Memory); end; HTH, Robert Cram