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Turbo Pascal Compatibility CRT

Title: Turbo Pascal Compatibility: CRT One of my interests of late has been compatibility routines for Delphi. I thought I'd share what I've come up with so far, in case it might help anyone wanting to do some of the things that they knew to do in Turbo Pascal but haven't figured out the Win32 way to do it. Here's the first one. I started from a CRT unit by Frank Zimmer, but I tested and made changes to it to try to make it act like the old Turbo Pascal CRT unit. I'm sure there probably is an error I haven't found, so by all means let me know if you do find one. Anything that is missing from this unit that is in the TP CRT unit is not there because I couldn't figure out a good way to do it (or it's not a smart thing to do under Win32). Hope this helps. CODE unit crt; { Copied from freeware CRT unit by Frank Zimmer, 01.18.1997 various fixes and edits done to the file by Glenn9999 helps from swisscenter version of CRT } interface uses windows,messages; const Black = 0; Blue = 1; Green = 2; Cyan = 3; Red = 4; Magenta = 5; Brown = 6; LightGray = 7; DarkGray = 8; LightBlue = 9; LightGreen = 10; LightCyan = 11; LightRed = 12; LightMagenta = 13; Yellow = 14; White = 15; BW40 = 0; { 40x25 B/W on Color Adapter } CO40 = 1; { 40x25 Color on Color Adapter } BW80 = 2; { 80x25 B/W on Color Adapter } CO80 = 3; { 80x25 Color on Color Adapter } Mono = 7; { 80x25 on Monochrome Adapter } Font8x8 = 256;{ Add-in for ROM font } C40 = CO40; C80 = CO80; Win32Platform: Cardinal = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS; {VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT;} Function WhereX: integer; Function WhereY: integer; procedure ClrEol; procedure ClrScr; procedure InsLine; Procedure DelLine; Procedure GotoXY(const x,y:integer); procedure HighVideo; procedure LowVideo; procedure NormVideo; procedure TextBackground(const Color:word); procedure TextColor(const Color:word); procedure delay(ms: integer); function KeyPressed:boolean; function ReadKey:Char; Procedure Sound(SF: Smallint); Procedure NoSound; procedure ConsoleEnd; procedure FlushInputBuffer; Function Pipe:boolean; procedure TextMode(mode: integer); procedure Window(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Byte); var HConsoleInput:thandle; HConsoleOutput:thandle; HConsoleError:Thandle; WindMin:tcoord; WindMax:tcoord; ViewMax:tcoord; TextAttr : Word; LastMode : Word; OldConsoleMode: DWord; SoundFrequency: Integer; SoundDuration: integer; soundcalled: boolean; // flag for delay on usage for sound & nosound tbcolor: word; // backup text background for ribbon code implementation uses sysutils; var StartAttr:word; OldCP:integer; CrtPipe : Boolean; procedure ClrEol; var tC :tCoord; Len,Nw: integer; Cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); len := cbi.dwsize.x-cbi.dwcursorposition.x; tc.x := cbi.dwcursorposition.x; tc.y := cbi.dwcursorposition.y; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,len,tc,nw); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(HConsoleOutput,#32,len,tc,nw); end; procedure ClrScr; var tc :tcoord; nw: integer; cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); tc.x := 0; tc.y := 0; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,tc,nw); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(HConsoleOutput,#32,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,tc,nw); setConsoleCursorPosition(hconsoleoutput,tc); end; Function WhereX: integer; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); result := tcoord(cbi.dwCursorPosition).x+1 end; Function WhereY: integer; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); result := tcoord(cbi.dwCursorPosition).y+1 end; Procedure GotoXY(const x,y:integer); var coord :tcoord; begin coord.x := x-1; coord.y := y-1; setConsoleCursorPosition(hconsoleoutput,coord); end; procedure InsLine; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; ssr:tsmallrect; coord :tcoord; ci :tcharinfo; nw:integer; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); coord := cbi.dwCursorPosition; ssr.left := 0; := coord.y; ssr.right := cbi.srwindow.right; ssr.bottom := cbi.srwindow.bottom; ci.asciichar := #32; ci.attributes := cbi.wattributes; coord.x := 0; coord.y := coord.y+1; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(HconsoleOutput,ssr,nil,coord,ci); coord.y := coord.y-1; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,coord,nw); end; procedure DelLine; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; ssr:tsmallrect; coord :tcoord; ci :tcharinfo; nw:integer; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); coord := cbi.dwCursorPosition; ssr.left := 0; := coord.y+1; ssr.right := cbi.srwindow.right; ssr.bottom := cbi.srwindow.bottom; ci.asciichar := #32; ci.attributes := cbi.wattributes; coord.x := 0; coord.y := coord.y; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(HconsoleOutput,ssr,nil,coord,ci); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,coord,nw); end; procedure TextBackground(const Color:word); begin tbcolor := color; LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := (color shl 4) or (textattr and $f); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure TextColor(const Color:word); begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := (color and $f) or (textattr and $f0); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure HighVideo; begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := textattr or $8; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure LowVideo; begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := textattr and $f7; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure NormVideo; begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := startAttr; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure FlushInputBuffer; begin FlushConsoleInputBuffer(hconsoleinput); end; function keypressed:boolean; { handles ANY events - might need restrict it to only keyboard } var NumberOfEvents:integer; begin GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hconsoleinput,NumberOfEvents); result := NumberOfEvents 0; end; function ReadKey: Char; { rewritten to support as DOS did Zimmer did not handle keycodes properly for DOS CRT. His version: 1) Returned multiple key events, for keypress and release. 2) Did not handle function keys adequately (eg "F1" or "Delete") 3) Did not lock out keys that DOS did (eg "CTRL" or "SHIFT") } var NumRead: Integer; InputRec: TInputRecord; ExtendedCode: Char; outputchar: char; eligible_key: boolean; begin eligible_key := false; { to not return ALL keys } repeat while ReadConsoleInput(HConsoleInput, InputRec, 1, NumRead) do if (InputRec.EventType = KEY_EVENT) then break; outputchar := InputRec.KeyEvent.AsciiChar; ReadConsoleInput(HConsoleInput, InputRec, 1, NumRead); ExtendedCode := #0; if outputchar = #0 then case InputRec.Keyevent.wVirtualKeyCode of $21: ExtendedCode := #73; { PageUp} $22: ExtendedCode := #81; { PageDown} $23: ExtendedCode := #79; { End} $24: ExtendedCode := #71; { Home } $25: ExtendedCode := #75; { left arrow } $26: ExtendedCode := #72; { Up arrow} $27: ExtendedCode := #77; { right arrow } $28: ExtendedCode := #80; { down arrow } $2D: ExtendedCode := #82; { insert } $2E: ExtendedCode := #83; { delete } $70: ExtendedCode := #59; { F1 } $71: ExtendedCode := #60; { F2 } $72: ExtendedCode := #61; { F3 } $73: ExtendedCode := #62; { F4 } $74: ExtendedCode := #63; { F5 } $75: ExtendedCode := #64; { F6 } $76: ExtendedCode := #65; { F7 } $77: ExtendedCode := #66; { F8 } $78: ExtendedCode := #67; { F9 } $79: ExtendedCode := #68; { F10 } $7A: ExtendedCode := #133; { F11 } $7B: ExtendedCode := #134; { F12 } end else eligible_key := true; if ExtendedCode #0 then begin InputRec.EventType := KEY_EVENT; InputRec.KeyEvent.AsciiChar := ExtendedCode; WriteConsoleInput(HConsoleInput, InputRec, 1, NumRead); WriteConsoleInput(HConsoleInput, InputRec, 1, NumRead); eligible_key := true; end until eligible_key; Result := outputchar; end; procedure dossound(Hz: Word); { from R. Velthuis code } begin asm MOV AL,$B6 OUT $43,AL MOV AX,$3540 MOV DX,$0012 MOV CX,Hz DIV CX OUT $42,AL MOV AL,AH OUT $42,AL MOV AL,3 OUT $61,AL end; end; procedure dossoundend; { from R. Velthuis code } begin asm MOV AL,0 OUT $61,AL end; end; Procedure Sound(SF: Smallint); { rewritten to be compatible with DOS sound/delay/nosound call } begin if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin // store frequency for later soundfrequency := SF; soundcalled := true; end else DosSound(SF); end; procedure delay(ms: integer); { rewritten to support sound call } begin if soundcalled then windows.beep(SoundFrequency, ms) else windows.sleep(ms); end; Procedure NoSound; begin if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then soundcalled := false else dossoundend; end; procedure ConsoleEnd; begin if isconsole and not crtpipe then begin if wherex 1 then writeln; textcolor(green); setfocus(GetCurrentProcess); normvideo; FlushInputBuffer; ReadKey; FlushInputBuffer; end; end; function Pipe:boolean; begin result := crtpipe; end; function CRTOutput(var F: TTextRec): integer; { output function for CRT, writes BufPos bytes and resets the buffer position done to be able to format output 1) To not "ribbon" textbackground - textbackground(black) before #13#10 } const crlf: array[1..2] of char = #13#10; var numtowrite, numwritten: integer; res: integer; begin if (F.Buffer[F.BufPos-2] = #13) and (F.Buffer[F.BufPos-1] = #10) then // handle CR/LF combination, this is writeln begin if F.BufPos-2