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Here's a little TreeView-component that might be a little bit faster than the default TTreeView from Borland. You also have the ability to set the items text to bold (It's implemented as methods of the treeview, but should have been a TTreeNode's property. Since I can't release VCL source code - methods it is). Some timings: TTreeView: 128 sec. to load 1000 items (no sorting)* 270 sec. to save 1000 items (4.5 minutes!!!) THETreeView: 1.5 sec. to load 1000 items - about 850% faster!!! (2.3 seconds with sorting = stText)* 0.7 sec. to save 1000 items - about 3850% faster!!! NOTES: All timings performed on a slow 486SX 33 MhZ, 20 Mb RAM. If the treeview is empty, loading takes 1.5 seconds, else add 1.5 seconds to clear 1000 items (a total loading time of 3 seconds). This is also the case for the TTreeView component (a total of 129.5 seconds). The process of clearing the items, is a call to SendMessage(hwnd, TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, Longint(TVI_ROOT)). Have fun playing with the component. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit HETreeView; {$R-} // Made by: Håkon Eines // EMail: // Date: 21.01.1997 // Description: A Speedy TreeView? (* TTREEVIEW: 128 sec. to load 1000 items (no sorting)* 270 sec. to save 1000 items (4.5 minutes!!!) THETREEVIEW: 1.5 sec. to load 1000 items - about 850% faster!!! (2.3 seconds with sorting = stText)* 0.7 sec. to save 1000 items - about 3850% faster!!! NOTES: - All timings performed on a slow 486SX 33 MhZ, 20 Mb RAM. - * If the treeview is empty, loading takes 1.5 seconds, else add 1.5 seconds to clear 1000 items (a total loading time of 3 seconds). This is also the case for the TTreeView component (a total of 129.5 seconds). The process of clearing the items, is a call to SendMessage(hwnd, TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, Longint(TVI_ROOT)). *) interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, CommCtrl, tree2vw; type THETreeView = class(TTreeView) private FSortType: TSortType; procedure SetSortType(Value: TSortType); protected function GetItemText(ANode: TTreeNode): string; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; function AlphaSort: Boolean; function CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean; procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string); procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName: string); procedure GetItemList(AList: TStrings); procedure SetItemList(AList: TStrings); //'Bold' should have been a property of TTreeNode, but... function IsItemBold(ANode: TTreeNode): Boolean; procedure SetItemBold(ANode: TTreeNode; Value: Boolean); published property SortType: TSortType read FSortType write SetSortType default stNone; end; procedure Register; implementation function DefaultTreeViewSort(Node1, Node2: TTreeNode; lParam: Integer): Integer; stdcall; begin {with Node1 do if Assigned(TreeView.OnCompare) then TreeView.OnCompare(Node1.TreeView, Node1, Node2, lParam, Result) else} Result := lstrcmp(PChar(Node1.Text), PChar(Node2.Text)); end; constructor THETreeView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FSortType := stNone; end; procedure THETreeView.SetItemBold(ANode: TTreeNode; Value: Boolean); var Item: TTVItem; Template: Integer; begin if ANode = nil then Exit; if Value then Template := -1 else Template := 0; with Item do begin mask := TVIF_STATE; hItem := ANode.ItemId; stateMask := TVIS_BOLD; state := stateMask and Template; end; TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item); end; function THETreeView.IsItemBold(ANode: TTreeNode): Boolean; var Item: TTVItem; begin Result := False; if ANode = nil then Exit; with Item do begin mask := TVIF_STATE; hItem := ANode.ItemId; if TreeView_GetItem(Handle, Item) then Result := (state and TVIS_BOLD) <> 0; end; end; procedure THETreeView.SetSortType(Value: TSortType); begin if SortType <> Value then begin FSortType := Value; if ((SortType in [stData, stBoth]) and Assigned(OnCompare)) or (SortType in [stText, stBoth]) then AlphaSort; end; end; procedure THETreeView.LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string); var AList: TStringList; begin AList := TStringList.Create; Items.BeginUpdate; try AList.LoadFromFile(AFileName); SetItemList(AList); finally Items.EndUpdate; AList.Free; end; end; procedure THETreeView.SaveToFile(const AFileName: string); var AList: TStringList; begin AList := TStringList.Create; try GetItemList(AList); AList.SaveToFile(AFileName); finally AList.Free; end; end; procedure THETreeView.SetItemList(AList: TStrings); var ALevel, AOldLevel, i, Cnt: Integer; S: string; ANewStr: string; AParentNode: TTreeNode; TmpSort: TSortType; function GetBufStart(Buffer: PChar; var ALevel: Integer): PChar; begin ALevel := 0; while Buffer^ in [' ', #9] do begin Inc(Buffer); Inc(ALevel); end; Result := Buffer; end; begin //Delete all items - could have used Items.Clear (almost as fast) SendMessage(handle, TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, Longint(TVI_ROOT)); AOldLevel := 0; AParentNode := nil; //Switch sorting off TmpSort := SortType; SortType := stNone; try for Cnt := 0 to AList.Count-1 do begin S := AList[Cnt]; if (Length(S) = 1) and (S[1] = Chr($1A)) then Break; ANewStr := GetBufStart(PChar(S), ALevel); if (ALevel > AOldLevel) or (AParentNode = nil) then begin if ALevel - AOldLevel > 1 then raise Exception.Create('Invalid TreeNode Level'); end else begin for i := AOldLevel downto ALevel do begin AParentNode := AParentNode.Parent; if (AParentNode = nil) and (i - ALevel > 0) then raise Exception.Create('Invalid TreeNode Level'); end; end; AParentNode := Items.AddChild(AParentNode, ANewStr); AOldLevel := ALevel; end; finally //Switch sorting back to whatever it was... SortType := TmpSort; end; end; procedure THETreeView.GetItemList(AList: TStrings); var i, Cnt: integer; ANode: TTreeNode; begin AList.Clear; Cnt := Items.Count -1; ANode := Items.GetFirstNode; for i := 0 to Cnt do begin AList.Add(GetItemText(ANode)); ANode := ANode.GetNext; end; end; function THETreeView.GetItemText(ANode: TTreeNode): string; begin Result := StringOfChar(' ', ANode.Level) + ANode.Text; end; function THETreeView.AlphaSort: Boolean; var I: Integer; begin if HandleAllocated then begin Result := CustomSort(nil, 0); end else Result := False; end; function THETreeView.CustomSort(SortProc: TTVCompare; Data: Longint): Boolean; var SortCB: TTVSortCB; I: Integer; Node: TTreeNode; begin Result := False; if HandleAllocated then begin with SortCB do begin if not Assigned(SortProc) then lpfnCompare := @DefaultTreeViewSort else lpfnCompare := SortProc; hParent := TVI_ROOT; lParam := Data; Result := TreeView_SortChildrenCB(Handle, SortCB, 0); end; if Items.Count > 0 then begin Node := Items.GetFirstNode; while Node <> nil do begin if Node.HasChildren then Node.CustomSort(SortProc, Data); Node := Node.GetNext; end; end; end; end; //Component Registration procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Win95', [THETreeView]); end; end.