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Categories / Delphi / Examples

TRunMe 1.00 [090317]

Title: TRunMe 1.00 [090317] Question: Can we execute our project (.exe) in Delphi IDE without debugger? Answer: This component is free (with full source code & demo). Homepage: Download: please visit homepage and get more informations with links. Samples: TRunMe = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } FHandle: HWND; FAtom: Word; FExeFiles: TStrings; FActiveFile: string; FActiveFileIndex: Integer; FActive: Boolean; FHotkey: THotkey; FParameters: string; procedure HotkeyPressed(var Msg: TMessage); procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); function DoRegHotkey(Hotkey: THotkey): Boolean; function DoUnregHotkey: Boolean; procedure SetAbout(const Value: string); procedure SetHotkey(const Value: THotkey); function GetAbout: string; function GetAboutEx: string; procedure SetAboutEx(const Value: string); procedure SetExeFiles(const Value: TStrings); procedure SetActiveFile(const Value: string); procedure SetActiveFileIndex(const Value: Integer); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published { Published declarations } property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive; property Hotkey: THotkey read FHotkey write SetHotkey; property ExeFiles: TStrings read FExeFiles write SetExeFiles; property ActiveFile: string read FActiveFile write SetActiveFile; property ActiveFileIndex: Integer read FActiveFileIndex write SetActiveFileIndex; property Parameters: string read FParameters write FParameters; property About: string read GetAbout write SetAbout; property AboutEx: string read GetAboutEx write SetAboutEx; end; === Sorry for my bad E...