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Subject: DELPHI: Equivalent of Trim$(),Mid$(), etc? unit TrimStr; {$B-} { File: TrimStr Author: Bob Swart [100434,2072] Purpose: routines for removing leading/trailing spaces from strings, and to take parts of left/right of string (a la Basic). Version: 2.0 LTrim() - Remove all spaces from the left side of a string RTrim() - Remove all spaces from the right side of a string Trim() - Remove all extraneous spaces from a string RightStr() - Take a certain portion of the right side of a string LeftStr() - Take a certain portion of the left side of a string MidStr() - Take the middle portion of a string } interface Const Space = #$20; function LTrim(Const Str: String): String; function RTrim(Str: String): String; function Trim(Str: String): String; function RightStr(Const Str: String; Size: Word): String; function LeftStr(Const Str: String; Size: Word): String; function MidStr(Const Str: String; Size: Word): String; implementation function LTrim(Const Str: String): String; var len: Byte absolute Str; i: Integer; begin i := 1; while (i <= len) and (Str[i] = Space) do Inc(i); LTrim := Copy(Str,i,len) end {LTrim}; function RTrim(Str: String): String; var len: Byte absolute Str; begin while (Str[len] = Space) do Dec(len); RTrim := Str end {RTrim}; function Trim(Str: String): String; begin Trim := LTrim(RTrim(Str)) end {Trim}; function RightStr(Const Str: String; Size: Word): String; var len: Byte absolute Str; begin if Size > len then Size := len; RightStr := Copy(Str,len-Size+1,Size) end {RightStr}; function LeftStr(Const Str: String; Size: Word): String; begin LeftStr := Copy(Str,1,Size) end {LeftStr}; function MidStr(Const Str: String; Size: Word): String; var len: Byte absolute Str; begin if Size > len then Size := len; MidStr := Copy(Str,((len - Size) div 2)+1,Size) end {MidStr}; end. Groetjes, Dr. Bob