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Categories / Delphi / Examples


Subject: Re: DELPHI: Equivalent of Trim$(),Mid$(), etc? For Mid$, use Copy(S: string; start, length: byte): string; You can make copy perform Right$ and Left$ as well by doing: Copy(S, 1, Length) for left$ and Copy(S, Start, 255) for right$ Note: Start and Length are the byte positions of your starting point, get these with Pos(). Here are some functions I wrote that come in handy for me. Way down at the bottom is a trim() function that you can modify into TrimRight$ and TrimLeft$. Also, they all take pascal style strings, but you can modify them to easily null terminated. const BlackSpace = [#33..#126]; { squish() returns a string with all whitespace not inside single quotes deleted. } function squish(const Search: string): string; var Index: byte; InString: boolean; begin InString:=False; Result:=''; for Index:=1 to Length(Search) do begin if InString or (Search[Index] in BlackSpace) then AppendStr(Result, Search[Index]); InString:=((Search[Index] = '''') and (Search[Index - 1] <> '\')) xor InString; end; end; { before() returns everything before the first occurance of Find in Search. If Find does not occur in Search, Search is returned. } function before(const Search, Find: string): string; var index: byte; begin index:=Pos(Find, Search); if index = 0 then Result:=Search else Result:=Copy(Search, 1, index - 1); end; { after() returns everything after the first occurance of Find in Search. If Find does not occur in Search, a null string is returned. } function after(const Search, Find: string): string; var index: byte; begin index:=Pos(Find, Search); if index = 0 then Result:='' else Result:=Copy(Search, index + Length(Find), 255); end; { RPos() returns the index of the first character of the last occurance of Find in Search. Returns 0 if Find does not occur in Search. Like Pos() but searches in reverse. } function RPos(const Find, Search: string): byte; var FindPtr, SearchPtr, TempPtr: PChar; begin FindPtr:=StrAlloc(Length(Find)+1); SearchPtr:=StrAlloc(Length(Search)+1); StrPCopy(FindPtr,Find); StrPCopy(SearchPtr,Search); Result:=0; repeat TempPtr:=StrRScan(SearchPtr, FindPtr^); if TempPtr <> nil then if (StrLComp(TempPtr, FindPtr, Length(Find)) = 0) then begin Result:=TempPtr - SearchPtr + 1; TempPtr:=nil; end else TempPtr:=#0; until TempPtr = nil; end; { inside() returns the string between the most inside nested Front ... Back pair. } function inside(const Search, Front, Back: string): string; var Index, Len: byte; begin Index:=RPos(Front, before(Search, Back)); Len:=Pos(Back, Search); if (Index > 0) and (Len > 0) then Result:=Copy(Search, Index + 1, Len - (Index + 1)) else Result:=''; end; { leftside() returns what is to the left of inside() or Search. } function leftside(const Search, Front, Back: string): string; begin Result:=before(Search, Front + inside(Search, Front, Back) + Back); end; { rightside() returns what is to the right of inside() or Null. } function rightside(const Search, Front, Back: string): string; begin Result:=after(Search, Front + inside(Search, Front, Back) + Back); end; { trim() returns a string with all right and left whitespace removed. } function trim(const Search: string): string; var Index: byte; begin Index:=1; while (Index <= Length(Search)) and not (Search[Index] in BlackSpace) do Index:=Index + 1; Result:=Copy(Search, Index, 255); Index:=Length(Result); while (Index > 0) and not (Result[Index] in BlackSpace) do Index:=Index - 1; Result:=Copy(Result, 1, Index); end; -- Joseph S. Bui's Standard Disclaimer: I love you.