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EX. ONE this first example ITERATE THROUGH ALL OF THE NODES IN A TREE VIEW note that we MIGHT have looped through TreeView.Items where n is 0 to (TreeView.Items.Count - 1) but we don't: doing it this way is more akin to the way we are forced to loop through an XML DOM tree and the method is more generic... procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const menusTextFileName = 'menus.txt'; var TVrootNode: TTreeNode; begin TreeView.LoadFromFile(menusTextFileName); TVrootNode := TreeView.Items.GetFirstNode; TreeViewWalker(TVrootNode); end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.TreeViewWalker(currTVnodePtr: TTreeNode); //Recursive procedure to iterate through all of the nodes in //a TreeView tree. Note that this code DOES NOTHING as yet: //it merely forms the basis for some potential useful thing var TVnodePtr: TTreeNode; nodeNameText: String; begin if (currTVnodePtr.hasChildren) then begin TVnodePtr := currTVnodePtr.GetFirstChild; repeat if (assigned(TVnodePtr)) then begin nodeNameText := TVnodePtr.Text; GetPathStringsFromTreeView(TVnodePtr, paths); end; TVnodePtr := TVnodePtr.GetNextSibling; until (TVnodePtr = nil); end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************************************************ EX. TWO this next example appends node text strings to a string list procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var pathStrings: TStringList; TVrootNode: TTreeNode; begin pathStrings := TStringList.Create; TreeView.LoadFromFile(menusTextFileName); TVrootNode := TreeView.Items.GetFirstNode; GetPathStringsFromTreeView(TVrootNode, pathStrings); pathStrings.SaveToFile(pathsTextFileName); pathStrings.Free; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.GetPathStringsFromTreeView(currTVnodePtr: TTreeNode; var paths: TStringList); //Recursive procedure to iterate through all of the nodes in a TreeView //tree, appending each node's text string to a string list var TVnodePtr: TTreeNode; nodeNameText: String; begin if (currTVnodePtr.hasChildren) then begin TVnodePtr := currTVnodePtr.GetFirstChild; repeat if (assigned(TVnodePtr)) then begin nodeNameText := TVnodePtr.Text; paths.Add(nodeNameText); GetPathStringsFromTreeView(TVnodePtr, paths); end; TVnodePtr := TVnodePtr.GetNextSibling; until (TVnodePtr = nil); end; end; *************************************************************************** EX. THREE the last example here is similar to the example above, but it has the added feature of building up full 'path' strings for the nodes by prefacing node text with the text of it's parents, rather than just using the node text as is -see comments in GetTreeNodeFullPathName below- //////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var pathStrings: TStringList; TVrootNode: TTreeNode; begin pathStrings := TStringList.Create; //use a simple tabbed text file as input TreeView.LoadFromFile(menusTextFileName); TVrootNode := TreeView.Items.GetFirstNode; GetPathStringsFromTreeView(TVrootNode, pathStrings); pathStrings.SaveToFile(pathsTextFileName); pathStrings.Free; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.GetPathStringsFromTreeView(currTVnodePtr: TTreeNode; var paths: TStringList); //Recursive procedure to iterate through all of the nodes in a TreeView //tree, appending each node's text string to a string list. The procedure //does yet more though: rather than just using the node string as is, the //node's node string is prefaced with the text of it's parent nodes, so //that we have proper 'path' names for the nodes: eg where a node with //the text 'File' has a child node whose text is 'Open', then the string //we build up for the child node becomes 'File\Open' (and not just 'Open'). //There is mileage in handling node text or node 'names' as 'path names' //that fully describe the node's place in the tree heirarchy... see //elsewhere for ways that we might take advantage of this however... var TVnodePtr: TTreeNode; nodeNameText: String; begin if (currTVnodePtr.hasChildren) then begin TVnodePtr := currTVnodePtr.GetFirstChild; repeat if (assigned(TVnodePtr)) then begin nodeNameText := TVnodePtr.Text; nodeNameText := GetTreeNodeFullPathName(TVnodePtr, nodeNameText); paths.Add(nodeNameText); GetPathStringsFromTreeView(TVnodePtr, paths); end; TVnodePtr := TVnodePtr.GetNextSibling; until (TVnodePtr = nil); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TMainForm.GetTreeNodeFullPathName(tempTVnodePtr: TTreeNode; nodeText: String): String; //go up through the parents of the node passed in, building up a 'full //path name' string such that if we have nodes where the text is 'File', //'Open' (and this node is a child of the 'File' node), 'OpenDoc' (and //where this node is a child of the 'Open' node) then the 'full path' //string built up for OpenDoc becomes 'File\Open\OpenDoc'... var TVrootNode: TTreeNode; begin while (Assigned(tempTVnodePtr.Parent) and (tempTVnodePtr.Parent <> TreeView.Items[0])) do begin tempTVnodePtr := tempTVnodePtr.Parent; //build up the string... nodeText := tempTVnodePtr.Text + '\' + nodeText; end; //make sure that we preface the path string with //the root node's text... [nb in some contexts, the root node's //text will be synonymous with the tree's 'namespace'...] TVrootNode := TreeView.Items.GetFirstNode; //if speed is an issue, there will be a way of coding //the line above such that it executes faster... Result := TVrootNode.Text + '\' + nodeText; end;