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Transparent form - solution

>> Hi everyone, >> >> I have done it, but it ONLY looks like transparent. If you move the >> form, then >> you move the contents, which was "behind (or below)" the form, too. >> >> regards > > Yup, but it looks great for > splash screens for example..... > ( with label set as transparent) > Another recipe: Take a form.=20 Roast it in its own fat... Set its BorderStyle to bsNone, and BorderIcons to []. Put in the OnCreate handler: Brush.Style:=3DbsClear; Top:=3D0; Left:=3D0; Width:=3DScreen.Width; Height:=3DScreen.Height; Then place a TImage on that form. Make it invisible. Load a checked (black/transparent) ICON in the Image.Picture. Write an OnPaint handler like this: procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); Var i,j:Integer; begin For i:=3D0 To ClientWidth Div 32 Do For j:=3D0 To ClientHeight Div 32 Do Form1.Canvas.Draw(i*32,j*32,Image1.Picture.Icon); end; And what you see is what you get. (A little bit slow) Shut-Down Type Effect.