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TProgressBar in SplashScreen

Title: TProgressBar in SplashScreen Question: How to use TProgressBar in the SplashScreen Answer: to Load N Form, don't forget to put a TProgressBar in your SplashScreen form. You must change the code of your project source (*.dpr) file to look like this: ////**** begin Application.Initialize; with TSplashScreen.Create(nil) do try ProgressBar1.Max := N*10; Show; Update; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); ProgressBar1.StepBy(10); Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2); ProgressBar1.StepBy(10); ......... ......... ......... Application.CreateForm(TFormN, FormN); ProgressBar1.StepBy(10); finally Free; end; Application.Run; end.