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Tpanel component that allows drag-drop

unit DropPnl; { (C) 1995, ingenieursbureau Office Automation All Rights Reserved Hereby the right to distribute this work electronically is granted, provided such is done for at most a nominal fee. Also the right is granted to store this work on a computer system. Finally the right is granted to incorporate this work into other work provided no fee is asked for this work. In all cases of distribution this work must be distributed in full, which specifically includes this notice. Liability is limited to the amount payed for this work. Legal jurisdiction is with the court of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. Roelof Osinga, 29 december 1995 } interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, ShellApi, SysUtils; type TDropActions = (daSimple, daRecursive, daEventOnly); TDropEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; FileList : TStringList; X, Y: Integer) of object; TDropPanel = class(TPanel) protected FDroppedList : TStringList; FDroppedPoint : TPoint; FDropAction : TDropActions; FAtRunTime : boolean; FOnDrop : TDropEvent; function HandleDroppedGlyphs(aGlyph : TBitmap; const aStr : string) : integer; procedure HandleDroppedBitBtnGlyphs(aComp : TBitBtn; const aStr : string); procedure HandleDroppedSpeedButtonGlyphs(aComp : TSpeedButton; const aStr : string); procedure HandleDroppedFiles; function HandleDroppedFilesRec(aComp : TWinControl; dropAt : TPoint) : boolean; procedure CreateParams(var Params : TCreateParams); override; procedure WMDropFiles(var Message : TMessage); message WM_DROPFILES; destructor Destroy; override; public constructor Create(anOwner : TComponent); override; published property DropAction : TDropActions read FDropAction write FDropAction default daRecursive; property AtRunTime : boolean read FAtRunTime write FAtRunTime default true; property OnDrop : TDropEvent read FOnDrop write FOnDrop; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TDropPanel.Create(anOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(anOwner); FDroppedList := TStringList.Create; FDroppedPoint := Point(0,0); FDropAction := daRecursive; FAtRunTime := true; end; destructor TDropPanel.Destroy; begin FDroppedList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TDropPanel.CreateParams(var Params : TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES; end; end; function TDropPanel.HandleDroppedGlyphs(aGlyph : TBitmap; const aStr : string) : integer; var Glyphs : integer; begin Result := 1; try aGlyph.LoadFromFile(aStr); if (aGlyph.Width mod aGlyph.Height) = 0 then begin Glyphs := aGlyph.Width div aGlyph.Height; if Glyphs > 4 then Glyphs := 1; Result := Glyphs; end; except ; end; end; procedure TDropPanel.HandleDroppedBitBtnGlyphs(aComp : TBitBtn; const aStr : string); begin aComp.NumGlyphs := HandleDroppedGlyphs(aComp.Glyph, aStr); {FDroppedList[0]);} end; procedure TDropPanel.HandleDroppedSpeedButtonGlyphs(aComp : TSpeedButton; const aStr : string); begin aComp.NumGlyphs := HandleDroppedGlyphs(aComp.Glyph, aStr); {FDroppedList[0]);} end; procedure TDropPanel.HandleDroppedFiles; var i, j, nL, nC : integer; comp : TComponent; begin nL := FDroppedList.Count - 1; if nL > -1 then begin nC := ControlCount - 1; for i := 0 to nC do begin comp := Controls[i]; if PtInRect(TControl(comp).BoundsRect, FDroppedPoint) then begin if comp is TImage then (comp as TImage).Picture.LoadFromFile(FDroppedList[0]); if comp is TMemo then (comp as TMemo).Lines.LoadFromFile(FDroppedList[0]); if (comp is TBitBtn) then HandleDroppedBitBtnGlyphs(TBitBtn(comp), FDroppedList[0]); if (comp is TSpeedButton) then HandleDroppedSpeedButtonGlyphs(TSpeedButton(comp), FDroppedList[0]); end; end; end; end; function TDropPanel.HandleDroppedFilesRec(aComp : TWinControl; dropAt : TPoint) : boolean; var i, nL, nC : integer; done : boolean; aControl : TComponent; begin done := false; nL := FDroppedList.Count - 1; if nL > -1 then begin nC := aComp.ControlCount - 1; i := -1; while not done and (i < nC) do begin inc(i); aControl := aComp.Controls[i]; if PtInRect(TControl(aControl).BoundsRect, dropAt) then begin if not done and (aControl is TImage) then begin try (aControl as TImage).Picture.LoadFromFile(FDroppedList[0]); except ; end; done := true; end; if not done and (aControl is TMemo) then begin (aControl as TMemo).Lines.LoadFromFile(FDroppedList[0]); done := true; end; if not done and (aControl is TBitBtn) then begin HandleDroppedBitBtnGlyphs(TBitBtn(aControl), FDroppedList[0]); done := true; end; if not done and (aControl is TSpeedButton) then begin HandleDroppedSpeedButtonGlyphs(TSpeedButton(aControl), FDroppedList[0]); done := true; end; if not done and (aControl is TWinControl) and not ((aControl is TMemo) or (aControl is TBitBtn)) then begin done := HandleDroppedFilesRec(TWinControl(aControl), TWinControl(aControl).ScreenToClient(aComp.ClientToScreen(dropAt)) ); end; end; end; end; if not done and (aComp = Self) then MessageBeep(0); Result := done; end; procedure TDropPanel.WMDropFiles(var Message : TMessage); var hDrop : THandle; nFiles, i, size : word; Pstr : PChar; begin hDrop := Message.WParam; Pstr := StrAlloc(256); Message.Result := 0; {accept} try DragQueryPoint(hDrop, FDroppedPoint); nFiles := DragQueryFile(hDrop, $FFFF, Pstr, size); dec(nFiles); FDroppedList.Clear; for i := 0 to nFiles do begin {size := DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, nil, size);} size := 255; size := DragQueryFile(hDrop, i, Pstr, size+1); FDroppedList.Add(StrPas(Pstr)); end; finally DragFinish(hDrop); StrDispose(Pstr); end; if Assigned(FOnDrop) then FOnDrop(Self, FDroppedList, FDroppedPoint.X, FDroppedPoint.Y); if FAtRunTime or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then case FDropAction of daSimple : HandleDroppedFiles; daRecursive : HandleDroppedFilesRec(Self, FDroppedPoint); end; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('IBOA', [TDropPanel]); end; end.