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Touch for windows in delphi

Do you need the unix touch utility for Windows? You can write it in Delphi. This example also shows how to use the functions FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose. You can download the source and EXE file. {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} program touch; uses SysUtils; {$R *.RES} procedure SetFileDate(TheFileName: string; aDate: TDateTime); var f: Integer; begin { SetFileDate } f := FileOpen(TheFileName, fmOpenReadWrite); try FileSetDate(f, DateTimeToFileDate(aDate)); finally FileClose(f) end { try } end; { SetFileDate } var f: TSearchRec; dtTarget: TDateTime; begin dtTarget := Now; try if FindFirst(paramstr(1), 255, f)=0 then repeat writeln(f.Name); SetFileDate(f.Name, dtTarget); until FindNext(f)<>0; except FindClose(f); end; { try } end.