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Tnccanvas - write on a forms non-client area

This canvas gives you access to a form's none-client (NC) area and can be used to create a window with a personal frame style: TNCCanvas = class(TCanvas) private FDeviceContext: HDC; FWindowHandle : HWnd; function GetWindowRect: TRect; protected procedure CreateHandle; override; procedure FreeHandle; public constructor Create(aWindow: hWnd); destructor Destroy; override; property WindowRect: TRect read GetWindowRect; end; { TNCCanvas - Object } constructor TNCCanvas.Create(aWindow: hWnd); begin inherited Create; FWindowHandle:=aWindow; end; destructor TNCCanvas.Destroy; begin FreeHandle; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TNCCanvas.CreateHandle; begin if FWindowHandle=0 then inherited CreateHandle else begin if FDeviceContext = 0 then FDeviceContext := GetWindowDC(FWindowHandle); Handle := FDeviceContext; end; end; procedure TNCCanvas.FreeHandle; begin Handle := 0; if FDeviceContext <> 0 then begin ReleaseDC(FWindowHandle, FDeviceContext); FDeviceContext:=0; end; end; function TNCCanvas.GetWindowRect:TRect; begin winProcs.GetWindowRect(FWindowHandle,Result); With Result do begin Right:=Pred(Right-Left); Bottom:=Pred(Bottom-Top); Left:=0; Top:=0; end; end;