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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Tmemo co-ordinates

unit Memos; interface uses WinProcs, SysUtils, StdCtrls, Dialogs, Message; { Get the line number and column number the cursor is positioned at in the memo} Procedure GetMemoLineCol (Memo: TCustomMemo; var MemoLine, MemoCol: Integer); { Set the cursor position in a memo to the specified line and column } Procedure MemoCursorTo (Memo: TCustomMemo; MemoLine, MemoCol: Integer); Implementation Procedure GetMemoLineCol; begin WITH Memo DO BEGIN MemoLine := SendMessage (Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, SelStart, 0); MemoCol := SelStart - SendMessage (Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, MemoLine, 0) + 1; END; end; Procedure MemoCursorTo; begin Memo.SelStart := SendMessage (Memo.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, MemoLine, 0) + MemoCol - 1; end;