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Title: TitleCase() Question: Looking for a blazing fast function to capitalize the first letter of every word in a string? Answer: Benchmarks on a Pentium III 933 MHz PC with a five word, 55 character string, after 1,000,000 iterations, yielded an average execution time of 0.74 microseconds (i.e., less than one thousandth of a millisecond). function TitleCase(const S: string): string; var AChar, APrevChar: Char; ALength: Integer; ASource, ADest: PChar; begin // Set defaults ALength := Length(S); SetLength(Result, ALength); ASource := Pointer(S); ADest := Pointer(Result); // Nothing to parse? if not Assigned(ASource) then Exit; // Get first char AChar:= ASource^; // Convert to Upper Case if (AChar = 'a') and (AChar then Dec(AChar, 32); // Add char to Result ADest^ := AChar; // Move to next char in string Inc(ASource); Inc(ADest); // Count down Dec(ALength); // Loop through remaining string while ALength 0 do begin // Store previous char APrevChar := AChar; // Get next char AChar:= ASource^; // Was previous char a space? if APrevChar = ' ' then begin // Convert to Upper Case if (AChar = 'a') and (AChar then Dec(AChar, 32) end // Convert to Lower Case else if (AChar = 'A') and (AChar then Inc(AChar, 32); // Add char to Result ADest^ := AChar; // Move to next char in string Inc(ASource); Inc(ADest); // Count down Dec(ALength); end; end;