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Delphi Timer Component Created by : Adam Chace, Apogee Information Systems, Inc. Description : This component enhances the Delphi timer component by allowing easier control over the interval function. Instead of having to provide the user with three separate edit boxes to control hours, minutes and seconds, developers can drop this visual component on their form. The user is provided with spin buttons that can be used by mouse or keyboard to set the integer. The developer can then call the "GetTotalSec" and get the total number of seconds represented by the time the user entered. No time conversion is necessary. Using the Component : The hours, minutes, or seconds can be set by clicking the spin button to increment/decrement, or by tabbing into the individual box and pressing either the up or down arrow key. Values can be manually entered as well by highlighting the proper box and typing the desired value. The developer can then call the "GetTotalSec" and get the total number of seconds represented in this visual component. You can then just set the timer's "interval" to this value, as the interval property for a ttimer needs to be in seconds. The component performs conversion for the number of hours, minutes and seconds into seconds. It could also be used to allow users to easily enter any time, like the time a specific event occurred, the time a record was entered etc. Simply drop this component onto the form and grab the data the user enters in it by accessing the hour, minute and second properties or by calling the GetTime method which returns the time the user entered as a TDateTime type. Key Properties : Hour ---- Integer value of the hour represented in the TaisHMSBox. Minute ------ Integer value of the minute represented in the TaisHMSBox. Second ------ Integer value of the second represented in the TaisHMSBox. Methods ======= GetHour: Integer; ---------------- Returns the integer value of the hour(s) selected. GetMinute: Integer; ------------------- Returns the integer value of the minute(s) selected. GetSecond: Integer; ------------------ Returns the integer value of the second(s) selected. GetTime: TDateTime; ------------------- Returns the time chosen as a TDateTime; GetTotalSec: longint; --------------------- Especially useful for setting timers, converts the time to seconds and returns this value as a longint. Any feedback, comments, etc. are welcome. Please reply to About Apogee Information Systems, Inc. Apogee is an elite consulting and development firm specializing exclusively in Delphi, IntraBuilder and Paradox. We assist clients by creating scalable desktop, Client/Server and data-driven Web applications that meet critical business needs. For more information on our services, contact us at: Phone: (508) 481-1400 FAX: (508) 481-3343 Email: Apogee Information Systems, Inc. 5 Mount Royal Avenue Marlboro, MA 01752 Visit Apogee Online at ________________________ Copy From Here ________________________________ {Copyright (c) 1996 Apogee Information Systems, Inc.} unit Aishms; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Spin; type TaisHMSBox = class(TCustomPanel) private FHourEdit: TEdit; FMinuteEdit: TEdit; FSecondEdit: TEdit; FSpin: TSpinButton; FTheOne: Char; function CreateEdit : TEdit; function CreateSpin: TSpinButton; function CreateLabel : TLabel; procedure SpinUp(Sender: TObject); procedure SpinDown(Sender: TObject); procedure EditOnEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure EditOnExit(Sender: TObject); procedure EditOnKeyDown(Sender: TOBject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure IncHour; procedure IncMinute; procedure IncSecond; procedure DecSecond; procedure DecHour; procedure DecMinute; property IsTheOne : Char read FTheOne write FTheOne; { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public fHour: Integer; fMinute : Integer; fSecond: Integer; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure SetHour(Value: Integer); procedure SetMinute(Value: Integer); procedure SetSecond(Value: Integer); function GetHour: Integer; function GetMinute: Integer; function GetSecond: Integer; function GetTotalSec: longint; function GetTime: TDateTime; { Public declarations } published property Color; property BorderStyle; property TabStop; property TabOrder; property Hour : Integer read GetHour write SetHour; property Minute: Integer read GetMinute write SetMinute; property Second : Integer read GetSecond write SetSecond; { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation {Return the total seconds represented by the values in hour, minute and second} {Especially useful for use with timer components} function TaisHMSBox.GetTotalSec :longint; var tmp : longint; begin tmp := (fHour * 3600); tmp := tmp + (fMinute * 60); tmp := tmp + Second; Result := tmp; end; {Return the time represented in the aisHMSBox} function TaisHMSBox.GetTime: TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeTime(fHour, fMinute, fSecond, 0); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.EditOnEnter(Sender: TObject); begin If TEdit(Sender).Name = 'Hour' then begin TEdit(Sender).Color := clYellow; IsTheOne := 'H'; end; If TEdit(Sender).Name = 'Minute' then begin TEdit(Sender).Color := clYellow; IsTheOne := 'M'; end; If TEdit(Sender).Name = 'Second' then begin TEdit(Sender).Color := clYellow; IsTheOne := 'S'; end; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.EditOnKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Ord(Key) = VK_UP) then begin Case IsTheOne of 'H': IncHour; 'M': IncMinute; 'S': IncSecond; end; {case} end; if (Ord(Key) = VK_DOWN) then begin Case IsTheOne of 'H': DecHour; 'M': DecMinute; 'S': DecSecond; end; {case} end; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.EditOnExit(Sender: TObject); var newval: integer; begin If TEdit(Sender).Name = 'Hour' then begin try newval :=StrToInt(TEdit(Sender).Text); SetHour(newval); except SetHour(fHour); end; TEdit(Sender).Color := clWhite; IsTheOne := 'N'; end; If TEdit(Sender).Name = 'Minute' then begin try newval :=StrToInt(TEdit(Sender).Text); SetMinute(newval); except SetMinute(fMinute); end; TEdit(Sender).Color := clWhite; IsTheOne := 'N'; end; If TEdit(Sender).Name = 'Second' then begin try newval := StrToInt(TEdit(Sender).Text); SetSecond(newval); except SetSecond(fSecond); end; TEdit(Sender).Color := clWhite; IsTheOne := 'N'; end; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.IncHour; begin if (fHour > 23) then SetHour(0) else SetHour(fHour + 1); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.DecHour; begin if (fHour < 1) then SetHour(23) else SetHour(fHour - 1); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.IncMinute; begin if (fMinute > 58) then SetMinute(0) else SetMinute(fMinute + 1); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.DecMinute; begin if (fMinute < 1) then SetMinute(59) else SetMinute(fMinute - 1); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.IncSecond; begin if (fSecond > 58) then SetSecond(0) else SetSecond(fSecond + 1); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.DecSecond; begin if (fSecond < 1) then SetSecond(59) else SetSecond(fSecond - 1); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.SpinUp(Sender: TObject); begin Case IsTheOne of 'H': IncHour; 'M': IncMinute; 'S': IncSecond; end; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.SpinDown(Sender: TObject); begin Case IsTheOne of 'H': DecHour; 'M': DecMinute; 'S': DecSecond; end; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.SetHour(Value: Integer); begin fHour := Value; FHourEdit.Text := IntToStr(Value); FHourEdit.Repaint; end; function TaisHMSBox.GetHour: Integer; begin Result := fHour; end; function TaisHMSBox.GetMinute: Integer; begin Result := fMinute; end; function TaisHMSBox.GetSecond: Integer; begin Result := fSecond; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.SetMinute(Value: Integer); begin fMinute := Value; FMinuteEdit.Text := IntToStr(Value); end; procedure TaisHMSBox.SetSecond(Value: Integer); begin fSecond := Value; FSecondEdit.Text := IntToStr(Value); end; function TaisHMSBox.CreateLabel: TLabel; begin Result := TLabel.Create(Self); Result.Parent := self; Result.Alignment := taCenter; Result.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; Result.Visible := True; end; function TaisHMSBox.CreateEdit: TEdit; begin Result := TEdit.Create(Self); Result.Color := clWhite; Result.Parent := Self; Result.Visible := True; Result.OnKeyDown := EditOnKeyDown; Result.OnEnter := EditOnEnter; Result.OnExit := EditOnExit; end; function TaisHMSBox.CreateSpin: TSpinButton; begin Result := TSpinButton.Create(Self); Result.Parent := Self; Result.OnDownClick := SpinDown; Result.OnUpClick := SpinUp; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TaisHMSBox]); end; constructor TaisHMSBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); BorderStyle := bsSingle; FHourEdit := CreateEdit; FMinuteEdit := CreateEdit; FSecondEdit := CreateEdit; FHourEdit.Name :='Hour'; FMinuteEdit.Name :='Minute'; FSecondEdit.Name := 'Second'; FSpin := CreateSpin; fHour := 0; fMinute := 0; fSecond := 0; end; procedure TaisHMSBox.Paint; begin {inherited Paint;} self.caption := ''; if self.width > 125 then self.width := 125; if self.height >40 then self.height := 40; FHourEdit.Width := (self.width div 5); FMinuteEdit.Width := (self.width div 5); FSecondEdit.Width := (self.width div 5); FHourEdit.Height := ((self.height * 4) div 6); FMinuteEdit.Height:= FHourEdit.Height; FSecondEdit.Height:= FHourEdit.Height; FHourEdit.Top := ((self.height div 2) - (FHourEdit.Height div 2)); FMinuteEdit.Top := FHourEdit.Top; FSecondEdit.Top := FHourEdit.Top; FHourEdit.Left := 2; FMinuteEdit.Left := FHourEdit.Left + FMinuteEdit.Width + 4; FSecondEdit.Left := FMinuteEdit.Left + FSecondEdit.Width + 4; FHourEdit.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FMinuteEdit.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FSecondEdit.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; FHourEdit.Font.Size := (FHourEdit.Height - (FHourEdit.Height * 2) div 3); FSecondEdit.Font.Size := FHourEdit.Font.Size; FMinuteEdit.Font.Size := FHourEdit.Font.Size; with FSpin do begin Width := FHourEdit.Width; Height := self.Height; Left := self.width - FSpin.Width; Align := alTop; Font.Size := FHourEdit.Font.Size; Visible := True; end; end; end.