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Threading Creating a generic thread safe queue and threading pool

Title: Threading - Creating a generic thread safe queue and threading pool Question: The aim of this article is to help you see the simplicity of threads and try to show you how you can easily create and manage a pool of threads that can deal with any processing or requests that you need. Answer: Everyone by now should understand what a thread is, the principles of threads and so on. For those in need, the simple function of a thread is to separate processing from one thread to another, to allow concurrent and parallel execution. The main principle of threads is just as simple, memory allocated which is referenced between threads must be marshalled to ensure safety of access. There are a number of other principles but this is really the one to care about. And on.. A thread safe queue will allow multiple threads to add and remove, push and pop values to and from the queue safely on a First on First off basis. With an efficient and well written queue you can have a highly useful component in developing threaded applications, from helping with thread safe logging, to asynchronous processing of requests. A thread pool is simply a thread or a number of threads which are most commonly used to manage a queue of requests. For example a web server which would have a continuous queue of requests needing to be processed use thread pools to manage the http requests, or a COM+ or DCOM server uses a thread pool to handle the rpc requests. This is done so there is less impact from the processing of one request to another, say if you ran 3 requests synchronously and the first request took 1 minute to complete, the second two requests would not complete for at least 1 minute adding on top there own time to process, and for most of the clients this is not acceptable. So how to do this.. Starting with the queue!! Delphi does provides a TQueue object which is available but is unfortunately not thread safe nor really too efficient, but people should look at the Contnrs.pas file to see how borland write there stacks and queues. There are only two main functions required for a queue, these are add and remove/push and pop. Add/push will add a value, pointer or object to the end of a queue. And remove/pop will remove and return the first value in the queue. You could derive from TQueue object and override the protected methods and add in critical sections, this will get you some of the way, but I would want my queue to wait until new requests are in the queue, and put the thread into a state of rest while it waits for new requests. This could be done by adding in Mutexes or signaling events but there is an easier way. The windows api provides an IO completion queue which provides us with thread safe access to a queue, and a state of rest while waiting for new request in the queue. Implementing the Thread Pool The thread pool is going to be very simple and will manage x number of threads desired and pass each queue request to an event provided to be processed. There is rarely a need to implement a TThread class and your logic to be implemented and encapsulated within the execute event of the class, thus a simple TSimpleThread class can be created which will execute any method in any object within the context of another thread. Once people understand this, all you need to concern yourself with is allocated memory. Here is how it is implemented. TThreadQueue and TThreadPool implementation (* Implemented for Articles, 11/01/2004 Chris Baldwin Director & Chief Architect Alive Technology Limited *) unit ThreadUtilities; uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; type EThreadStackFinalized = class(Exception); TSimpleThread = class; // Thread Safe Pointer Queue TThreadQueue = class private FFinalized: Boolean; FIOQueue: THandle; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Finalize; procedure Push(Data: Pointer); function Pop(var Data: Pointer): Boolean; property Finalized: Boolean read FFinalized; end; TThreadExecuteEvent = procedure (Thread: TThread) of object; TSimpleThread = class(TThread) private FExecuteEvent: TThreadExecuteEvent; protected procedure Execute(); override; public constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; ExecuteEvent: TThreadExecuteEvent; AFreeOnTerminate: Boolean); end; TThreadPoolEvent = procedure (Data: Pointer; AThread: TThread) of Object; TThreadPool = class(TObject) private FThreads: TList; FThreadQueue: TThreadQueue; FHandlePoolEvent: TThreadPoolEvent; procedure DoHandleThreadExecute(Thread: TThread); public constructor Create( HandlePoolEvent: TThreadPoolEvent; MaxThreads: Integer = 1); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(const Data: Pointer); end; implementation { TThreadQueue } constructor TThreadQueue.Create; begin //-- Create IO Completion Queue FIOQueue := CreateIOCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, 0); FFinalized := False; end; destructor TThreadQueue.Destroy; begin //-- Destroy Completion Queue if (FIOQueue 0) then CloseHandle(FIOQueue); inherited; end; procedure TThreadQueue.Finalize; begin //-- Post a finialize pointer on to the queue PostQueuedCompletionStatus(FIOQueue, 0, 0, Pointer($FFFFFFFF)); FFinalized := True; end; (* Pop will return false if the queue is completed *) function TThreadQueue.Pop(var Data: Pointer): Boolean; var A: Cardinal; OL: POverLapped; begin Result := True; if (not FFinalized) then //-- Remove/Pop the first pointer from the queue or wait GetQueuedCompletionStatus(FIOQueue, A, Cardinal(Data), OL, INFINITE); //-- Check if we have finalized the queue for completion if FFinalized or (OL = Pointer($FFFFFFFF)) then begin Data := nil; Result := False; Finalize; end; end; procedure TThreadQueue.Push(Data: Pointer); begin if FFinalized then Raise EThreadStackFinalized.Create('Stack is finalized'); //-- Add/Push a pointer on to the end of the queue PostQueuedCompletionStatus(FIOQueue, 0, Cardinal(Data), nil); end; { TSimpleThread } constructor TSimpleThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; ExecuteEvent: TThreadExecuteEvent; AFreeOnTerminate: Boolean); begin FreeOnTerminate := AFreeOnTerminate; FExecuteEvent := ExecuteEvent; inherited Create(CreateSuspended); end; procedure TSimpleThread.Execute; begin if Assigned(FExecuteEvent) then FExecuteEvent(Self); end; { TThreadPool } procedure TThreadPool.Add(const Data: Pointer); begin FThreadQueue.Push(Data); end; constructor TThreadPool.Create(HandlePoolEvent: TThreadPoolEvent; MaxThreads: Integer); begin FHandlePoolEvent := HandlePoolEvent; FThreadQueue := TThreadQueue.Create; FThreads := TList.Create; while FThreads.Count FThreads.Add(TSimpleThread.Create(False, DoHandleThreadExecute, False)); end; destructor TThreadPool.Destroy; var t: Integer; begin FThreadQueue.Finalize; for t := 0 to FThreads.Count-1 do TThread(FThreads[t]).Terminate; while (FThreads.Count 0) do begin TThread(FThreads[0]).WaitFor; TThread(FThreads[0]).Free; FThreads.Delete(0); end; FThreadQueue.Free; FThreads.Free; inherited; end; procedure TThreadPool.DoHandleThreadExecute(Thread: TThread); var Data: Pointer; begin while FThreadQueue.Pop(Data) and (not TSimpleThread(Thread).Terminated) do begin try FHandlePoolEvent(Data, Thread); except end; end; end; end. As you can see it's quite straight forward, and with this you can implement very easily any queuing of requests over threads and really any type of requirement that requires threading can be done using these object and save you a lot of time and effort. You can use this to queue requests from one thread to multiple threads, or queue requests from multiple threads down to one thread which makes this quite a nice solution. Here are some examples of using these objects. Thread safe logging To allow multiple threads to asynchronously write to a log file. uses Windows, ThreadUtilities,...; type PLogRequest = ^TLogRequest; TLogRequest = record LogText: String; end; TThreadFileLog = class(TObject) private FFileName: String; FThreadPool: TThreadPool; procedure HandleLogRequest(Data: Pointer; AThread: TThread); public constructor Create(const FileName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Log(const LogText: string); end; implementation (* Simple reuse of a logtofile function for example *) procedure LogToFile(const FileName, LogString: String); var F: TextFile; begin AssignFile(F, FileName); if not FileExists(FileName) then Rewrite(F) else Append(F); try Writeln(F, DateTimeToStr(Now) + ': ' + LogString); finally CloseFile(F); end; end; constructor TThreadFileLog.Create(const FileName: string); begin FFileName := FileName; //-- Pool of one thread to handle queue of logs FThreadPool := TThreadPool.Create(HandleLogRequest, 1); end; destructor TThreadFileLog.Destroy; begin FThreadPool.Free; inherited; end; procedure TThreadFileLog.HandleLogRequest(Data: Pointer; AThread: TThread); var Request: PLogRequest; begin Request := Data; try LogToFile(FFileName, Request^.LogText); finally Dispose(Request); end; end; procedure TThreadFileLog.Log(const LogText: string); var Request: PLogRequest; begin New(Request); Request^.LogText := LogText; FThreadPool.Add(Request); end; As this is logging to a file it will process all requests down to a single thread, but you could do rich email notifications with a higher thread count, or even better, process profiling with whats going on or steps in your program which I will demonstrate in another article as this one has got quite long now. For now I will leave you with this, enjoy.. Leave a comment if there's anything people are stuck with. Chris