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This works Save and Restore Coolbars

Title: This works: Save and Restore Coolbars Question: How can we save and restore Coolbars? Answer: { We need to define an array which holds all settings. In our example we use a Coolbar with 4 Toolbars. If you have more or less Toolbars, you need to adjust LastIndex in the following line: } const LastIndex = 3; // First index is 0! // All the necessary data for our CoolBar with some ToolBars: // Writing this data to the Registry as binary data is trivial // and therefore left as an excercise to the reader. // Writing configuration data to a file is deprecated // in current Windows versions, btw. CBData: record position, width, flags: array[0..LastIndex] of integer; end; procedure TForm1.SaveCBStatus; var BandInfo: TReBarBandInfo; n, i: integer; TB: TToolBar; begin with CBData do try // Positions: for i := 0 to LastIndex do begin TB := Coolbar1.controls[i] as TToolBar; position[i] := 0; while (TB Coolbar1.bands[position[i]].control) and (position[i] inc(position[i]); end; // New row or hidden? (Flags) for n := 0 to LastIndex do begin FillChar(BandInfo, SizeOf(TReBarBandInfo), 0); BandInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TReBarBandInfo); BandInfo.fMask := RBBIM_STYLE or RBBIM_ID; Coolbar1.Perform(RB_GETBANDINFO, n, Integer(@BandInfo)); flags[n] := BandInfo.fStyle; // Width: width[n] := CoolBar1.Bands[n].width; end; except ShowMessage('Exception in SaveCBStatus'); end; end; procedure TForm1.RestoreCBStatus; var p: array[0..LastIndex] of TCoolband; co: array[0..LastIndex] of integer; // current order n, i: integer; BandInfo: TReBarBandInfo; TB: TToolBar; begin with CBData do try // remember current order: for i := 0 to LastIndex do begin TB := Coolbar1.controls[i] as TToolBar; co[i] := 0; while (TB Coolbar1.bands[co[i]].control) and (co[i] inc(co[i]); end; // replace with old order: with Coolbar1 do begin for n := 0 to LastIndex do p[n] := bands[co[n]]; // add as new ToolBars: for n := 0 to LastIndex do bands.insert(0); for n := 0 to LastIndex do bands.items[position[n]].assign(p[n]); // remove original ToolBars: for n := LastIndex+1 to LastIndex+LastIndex+1 do bands.delete(LastIndex+1); end; // restore width and style: for n := Coolbar1.Bands.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin FillChar(BandInfo, SizeOf(TReBarBandInfo), 0); BandInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TReBarBandInfo); BandInfo.fMask := RBBIM_SIZE or RBBIM_CHILD or RBBIM_STYLE; Coolbar1.Perform(RB_GETBANDINFO, n, Integer(@BandInfo)); := width[n]; BandInfo.fStyle := flags[n]; Coolbar1.Perform(RB_SETBANDInfo, n, Integer(@BandInfo)); end; except ShowMessage('Exception in RestoreCBStatus'); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Save the settings into CBData SaveCBStatus; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Restore the settings from CBData RestoreCBStatus; end;