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Text Box

Title: Text Box Question: How to create sizeble text box (something like Microsoft Office text box) Answer: unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Controls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); end; var Form1: TForm1; lst : cardinal; lst_font : cardinal; lst_def_proc : pointer; function lst_proc (handle : cardinal; msg : cardinal; wparam : cardinal; lparam : cardinal) : integer; stdcall; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // Create a control (text box). You may add es_left, es_center or es_right to the style parameter to set text alignment. // es_multiline is added to style to allow entering multiple lines. lst := CreateWindowEx( ws_ex_clientedge, 'edit', 'initial text here', ws_visible or ws_child or es_multiline or es_wantreturn, 10, 10, 200, 100, memo1.handle, 0, hinstance, nil ); // To be able to move a control, we will have to catch and process messages that lst will receive. To do this, we have // to specify a function that messages will go through. It is done by SetWindowLong() function with gwl_wndproc as // nIndex parameter. Return value will be pointer of previous (default) procedure - we have to store this value because // we will have to call this procedure. lst_def_proc := pointer(SetWindowLong(lst, gwl_wndproc, integer(@lst_proc))); // Next function sets focus. Delete it, if you don't want to force focusing of created control. windows.SetFocus(lst); // There are several ways of making font for control. You may use CreateFont() function (look at MSDN for parameters, //, you may use TFont variable (var f : TFont; ... f := TFont.Create;) and then specify // f.handle as a wParam parameter in SendMessage() function. You may also use some of existing fonts, for example, // font used in Memo1 (in such case specify Memo1.Font.Handle as a wParam parameter in SendMessage() function). // In this example I use CreateFont to make a font for control, so I needed a variable that holds a handle of font. lst_font := CreateFont(-12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, default_charset, 0, 0, default_quality, default_pitch, 'Courier New'); SendMessage(lst, wm_setfont, lst_font, 0); end; function lst_proc (handle : cardinal; msg : cardinal; wparam : cardinal; lparam : cardinal) : integer; stdcall; begin // Now we will try to change a border when control will receive/lose focus. case msg of wm_setfocus : begin // control receives a focus SetWindowLong(handle, gwl_style, GetWindowLong(handle, gwl_style) or ws_sizebox); SetWindowPos(handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, swp_nozorder or swp_nomove or swp_nosize or swp_framechanged); end; wm_killfocus : begin // control loses a focus SetWindowLong(handle, gwl_style, GetWindowLong(handle, gwl_style) and not ws_sizebox); SetWindowPos(handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, swp_nozorder or swp_nomove or swp_nosize or swp_framechanged); end; end; // Usually you have to call CallWindowProc() to ensure proper working of control. In such case lst_proc must return a // value that is returned by CallWindowProc() function. However, sometimes you may want to block some messages, for // example - focusing of a button. In such case calling CallWindowProc() is not necessary, if msg is wm_setfocus. Read // MSDN to get more information about all of this. if (msg = wm_nchittest) and (GetFocus = handle) then begin result := htcaption; end else begin result := CallWindowProc(lst_def_proc, handle, msg, wparam, lparam); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin // Free memory from font, created with CreateFont() function. If you use TFont variable for creating font, this should // be f.Destroy (if f is a variable of type TFont) instead of DeleteObject(lst_font). DeleteObject(lst_font); // Free memory from a control (text box). DestroyWindow(lst); end; end.