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TEDIT with Validate,Nextcontrol,Priorcontrol and Char validation

Title: TEDIT with Validate,Nextcontrol,Priorcontrol and Char validation Question: This is a simple component that demonstrates how to stop a control from exiting if a validation routine fails. Also the next and prior controls can be set, this forces focus to the next control if the user clicks on some other control ("tab order" doesn't help when a user does this). There is also support for what characters may be typed in the edit box. Answer: unit Validate; interface // ================================================================== // TValEdit // Mike Heydon Oct 2000 // // Descendant of TEdit that disallows field exit if validation // routine fails. Allows for setting of Next and Prior controls // to allow correct field tab dependenct order. Control over // what chars may be type in the edit box. // // ================================================================= uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TValidateProc = procedure(Sender : TObject; var ValueOk : boolean) of object; TValidateChar = (chAllChars,chAlpha,chDigit, chBlank,chSign,chDecimalPoint); TValidateCSet = set of TValidateChar; TValidateASet = set of char; TValEdit = class(TEdit) private FExcludeChars : TValidateASet; FValidChars : TValidateCSet; FErrorMessage : string; FAutoErrors : boolean; FOnValidateErr : TNotifyEvent; FOnValidate : TValidateProc; FNextControl, FPriorControl : TWinControl; procedure SetFValidChars(NewValue : TValidateCSet); protected procedure DoExit; override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; property ExcludeChars : TValidateASet read FExcludeChars write FExcludeChars; published property NextControl : TWinControl read FNextControl write FNextControl; property PriorControl : TWinControl read FPriorControl write FPriorControl; property AutoErrors : boolean read FAutoErrors write FAutoErrors; property ErrorMessage : string read FErrorMessage write FErrorMessage; property CharsValid : TValidateCSet read FValidChars write SetFValidChars; property OnValidate : TValidateProc read FOnValidate write FOnValidate; property OnValidateError : TNotifyEvent read FOnValidateErr write FOnValidateErr; end; procedure Register; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- implementation // ========================== // TValEdit // ========================== constructor TValEdit.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FValidChars := [chAllChars,chAlpha,chDigit,chBlank, chSign,chDecimalPoint]; FExcludeChars := []; FNextControl := nil; FPriorControl := nil; FErrorMessage := ''; FAutoErrors := true; end; // ============================================================= // Intercept the OnExit event and prevent if validation fails. // If validation is ok, then NextControl is given focus. // ============================================================= procedure TValEdit.DoExit; var ValueOk : boolean; procedure CheckNextControl; begin inherited DoExit; if Assigned(FPriorControl) and (FPriorControl = Screen.ActiveControl) then begin try FPriorControl.SetFocus; except end; end else if Assigned(FNextControl) then try FNextControl.SetFocus; except end; end; begin // Has user set OnValidate event ? if Assigned(FOnValidate) then begin ValueOk := true; FOnValidate(self,ValueOk); if ValueOk then CheckNextControl else begin // Generate any errors and set focus back to self if FAutoErrors then MessageDlg(FErrorMessage, mtError,[mbOk],0); if Assigned(FOnValidateErr) then FOnValidateErr(self); Self.SetFocus; end; end else CheckNextControl; end; // ======================================================= // Intercept key press and allow/disallow chars // as set by properties CharsValid and ExcludeChars // ======================================================= procedure TValEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char); begin // Check Valid Characters if not (chAllChars in FValidChars) and (Key in [#32..#126]) then begin if (UpCase(Key) in ['A'..'Z']) and not (chAlpha in FValidChars) then Key := #0; if (Key in ['0'..'9']) and not (chDigit in FValidChars) then Key := #0; if (Key = ' ') and not (chBlank in FValidChars) then Key := #0; if (Key in ['+','-']) and not (chSign in FValidChars) then Key := #0; if (Key = '.') and not (chDecimalPoint in FValidChars) then Key := #0; if not (UpCase(Key) in ['A'..'Z','0'..'9',' ','+','-','.']) then Key := #0; end; // Check any additional keys excluded if FExcludeChars [] then begin if (Key in FExcludeChars) then Key := #0; end; inherited KeyPress(Key); end; // ============================================================= // Property CharsValid SET routine. If chAllChars then we // may as well set all to true // ============================================================= procedure TValEdit.SetFValidChars(NewValue : TValidateCSet); begin FValidChars := NewValue; if chAllChars in FValidChars then FValidChars := [chAllChars,chAlpha,chDigit,chBlank, chSign,chDecimalPoint]; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Win95', [TValEdit]); end; end.