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Tdistribution class

This article gives the source code for a nice, clean implementation of a class to compile the discrete, cumulative distribution function of a sample data set. The CDF forms the basis for basic descriptive statistics. (This article originally appeared in The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users) TDistribution Class This article gives the source code for a nice, clean implementation of a class to compile the discrete, cumulative distribution function of a sample data set. The CDF forms the basis for basic descriptive statistics. TDistribution will automatically add 'bins' to the cdf as data elements are accumulated, or you can pre-define the bin boundaries before analyzing a data set. This auto-expansion of the cdf bins works best with sorted data sets (but for cool sorting components see In most cases it will work reasonably well without pre-sorting your data. The class descends from TStringList, so you can use the Strings property to define a text string describing each 'bin', e.g. String[0]:='Jan'; String[1]:='Feb'; . . . String[11]:='Dec'; Thus the class flexibly supports your implementation within a variety of user interfaces (note that this is not a user interface component - it is "merely" a class that provides a specific, statistical's up to you to implement the user interface appropriate for your particular application). The class provides properties for estimating the sample data total and mean (based on the cdf). An example project is also included. { ****************************************************************** } { Class for developing discrete, cumulative distribution function } { Copyright © 2000, Berend M. Tober. All rights reserved. } { Author's E-mail - } { Other components at } {} { ****************************************************************** } unit Cdf; { The cumulative distribution function (cdf) for continuous, real random variable X is defined as a function F(x) where F(x) = P(X <= x), i.e., the probability that X <= x. The discrete case is similarly defined. The TDistribution class is used to generate an empirical CDF for a given data set by counting the number of values from the sample data set that fall into one of a set of discrete "bins". This way you can quickly get a quantitative picture of a data set. The class descends from TStringList, so you can use the Strings property to define a text string describing each 'bin', e.g. String[0]:='Jan'; String[1]:='Feb'; . . . String[11]:='Dec'; } interface uses classes; type TDistributionItem = class(TObject) private FBin: Double; {Upper limit of bin} FCount: LongInt; public constructor Create(Value: Double;Count:LongInt); function Accumulate(Value: Double):LongInt; property Bin: Double Read FBin; property Count: LongInt Read FCount; end; TDistribution = class(TStringList) private function GetMean: double; function GetTotal: Double; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy;override; procedure Clear; function Accumulate(Value: Double):LongInt; function AddObject(const S: string; AObject: TObject):Integer;override; procedure FreeObjects; procedure Put(Index:Integer; const Value:TDistributionItem); function FreeObject(Index:Integer):Integer; function Get(Index:Integer):TDistributionItem; property Mean: Double Read GetMean; property Objects[Index:Integer]:TDistributionItem read Get write Put; property Total: Double Read GetTotal; end; implementation constructor TDistributionItem.Create(Value: Double;Count:LongInt); begin inherited Create; FBin := Value; FCount:=Count; end; function TDistributionItem.Accumulate(Value: Double):LongInt; begin Result:=-1; if Value<=FBin then {Increment count of bin when Value<=x} begin inc(FCount); Result:=FCount; end; end; constructor TDistribution.Create; begin inherited Create; end; destructor TDistribution.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited Destroy; end; function TDistribution.AddObject(const S: string; AObject:TObject):Integer; {Add a 'bin' to the CDF, in proper order} var i:Integer; begin { Find where to insert new 'bin'. This is just before the smallest 'bin' which exceeds size of new 'bin'. } Result:=Count; if Count>0 then for i:=pred(Count) downto 0 do if TDistributionItem(AObject).Bin<Objects[i].Bin then Result:=i; if Result<0 then Result:=inherited AddObject(S,AObject) {If no such 'bin', append new one} else InsertObject(Result,S,AObject) {Insert new bin before next biggest} end; function TDistribution.Accumulate(Value:Double):LongInt; {Count this data value into the cdf} var i: LongInt; begin if Count=0 then AddObject('',TDistributionItem.Create(Value,0)) {Must have at least one 'bin'} else if Value>Objects[pred(Count)].Bin then {If Value exceeds largest 'bin', then add new one that IS big enough} AddObject('',TDistributionItem.Create(Value,Objects[pred(Count)].Count)); for i:=0 to pred(Count) do Result:=Objects[i].Accumulate(Value); end; function TDistribution.Get(Index:Integer):TDistributionItem; begin Result:=TDistributionItem(inherited Objects[Index]); end; function TDistribution.FreeObject(Index:Integer):Integer; begin Result:=-1; if Index >= Count then Exit; if Objects[Index] <> nil then begin Objects[Index].Free; Objects[Index]:=nil; end; Delete(Index); if Index>=Count then Result:=pred(Count) else if Count=0 then Result:=-1 else Result:=Index; end; procedure TDistribution.FreeObjects; var i:Integer; begin if Count > 0 then for i:=pred(Count) downto 0 do FreeObject(i); end; procedure TDistribution.Put(Index:Integer; const Value:TDistributionItem); begin inherited Objects[Index]:=Value; end; procedure TDistribution.Clear; begin FreeObjects; inherited Clear; end; function TDistribution.GetTotal:Double; {This is an ESTIMATE of the actual sample total} var i: integer; begin Result:=0; if Count = 0 then Exit; Result:=Objects[0].Bin*Objects[0].Count; for i:=1 to pred(Count) do Result:=Result+(Objects[i].Bin*(Objects[i].Count-Objects[pred(i)].Count)); { *** This is an alternative way to compute total *** Result:=Objects[0].Bin*Objects[0].Count; for i:=1 to pred(Count) do Result:=Result +(Objects[i].Bin + Objects[pred(i)].Bin) *(Objects[i].Count - Objects[pred(i)].Count); Result:=Result/2.0; } end; function TDistribution.GetMean: double; {This is an ESTIMATE of the actual sample mean} begin Result:=0.0; if Count>0 then Result:=GetTotal/Objects[pred(Count)].Count; end; end. Example implementation program Example; uses WinCRT,cdf; const Data1:Array[1..10] of Real=(66,73,73,81,81,81,81,85,85,89); { Note: This data set is pre-sorted. TDistribution will still work with unsorted data, but you might not get a good cdf unless you predefine the cdf bins. This is especially true if the first element of the dataset happens to be the largest (try it by re-arranging the above data set!) because automatic addition of bins will add a single bin into which ALL data will be counted. } var i,j:Word; begin with TDistribution.Create do begin for i:=1 to 10 do Accumulate(Data1[i]); writeln('Mean = ', Mean:6:4); writeln('Total = ', Total:6:4); {Print out quantitative summary} for i := 0 to pred(Count) do writeln(Objects[i].Bin:6:2,#44,Objects[i].Count,#44,Objects[i].Count/Objects[pred(Count)].Count:6:3); {Print out crude 'histogram'} for i := 0 to pred(Count) do begin for j:=1 to trunc(40*Objects[i].Count/Objects[pred(Count)].Count) do write('*'); writeln; end; Free; end; end.