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Tdesktopcanvas - write on the desktop

This canvas allows you to access the desktop: type TDesktopCanvas = class(TCanvas) private DC : hDC; function GetWidth:Integer; function GetHeight:Integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; published property Width: Integer read GetWidth; property Height: Integer read GetHeight; end; { TDesktopCanvas object } function TDesktopCanvas.GetWidth:Integer; begin Result:=GetDeviceCaps(Handle,HORZRES); end; function TDesktopCanvas.GetHeight:Integer; begin Result:=GetDeviceCaps(Handle,VERTRES); end; constructor TDesktopCanvas.Create; begin inherited Create; DC := GetDC(0); Handle := DC; end; destructor TDesktopCanvas.Destroy; begin Handle := 0; ReleaseDC(0, DC); inherited Destroy; end;