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TCollection The Class for Master Detail Relations

Title: TCollection The Class for Master Detail Relations Question: Getting A master Detail Relation in a component on a way it's easely streamed. Using a TStream Class Decendant Answer: the collection Class is one of my favorit when it comes to storing multiple Data with one component its even posible to include the Collection in its own item making it useful for recursion (The Collection Can have a item withs can hold a other collection. If you want the standard Editor for Collections u have to use a TOwnedCollection i think its ijn the unit Classes from delphi 4 but if u have D3 u need to Make that class first like this TOwnedCollection = class(TCollection) private FOwner: TPersistent; protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; public // Fil in the AOwner in The Fowner proeprty on the Create Constructor . constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent; ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass); end; Heres a Example Of a collection That does that unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TMyCollection = Class (TOwnedCollection) end; TMyCollectionItem = Class (TCollectionItem) private FANummer: Integer; FAString: String; FMoreCollections: TMyCollection; procedure SetANummer(const Value: Integer); procedure SetAString(const Value: String); procedure SetMoreCollections(const Value: TMyCollection); Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); Override ; Destructor Destroy ; Override; Published Property AString : String read FAString write SetAString; Property ANummer : Integer read FANummer write SetANummer; Property MoreCollections : TMyCollection read FMoreCollections write SetMoreCollections; end; TCollectionWrapper = Class(TComponent) private FCollection: TMyCollection; procedure SetCollection(const Value: TMyCollection); Public Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); Override ; Destructor Destroy ; Override ; Published Property Collection : TMyCollection read FCollection write SetCollection; end; implementation { TMyCollectionItem } constructor TMyCollectionItem.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin inherited; FMoreCollections := TMyCollection.Create(self,TMyCollectionItem); end; destructor TMyCollectionItem.Destroy; begin ; inherited; end; procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetANummer(const Value: Integer); begin FANummer := Value; end; procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetAString(const Value: String); begin FAString := Value; end; procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetMoreCollections(const Value: TMyCollection); begin FMoreCollections := Value; end; { TCollectionWrapper } constructor TCollectionWrapper.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FCollection := TMyCollection.Create(self,TMyCollectionItem); end; destructor TCollectionWrapper.Destroy; begin ; inherited; end; procedure TCollectionWrapper.SetCollection(const Value: TMyCollection); begin FCollection := Value; end; end. This is how you could addres it Run time procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ACollection : TCollectionWrapper ; begin ACollection := TCollectionWrapper.Create(Self) ; Try // Default add gives u a TCollectionItem So u need to cast it With TMyCollectionItem(ACollection.Collection.Add()) do begin AString := 'Hallo' ; ANummer := 5 ; MoreCollections.add ; end; Finally ACollection.Free ; end; end; If you register this component u wil be able to use the default Collection Editor Design time