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System Tray Example

Title: System Tray Example Question: This source code is an example of how to have a delphi application run as an icon in the system tray. When the application is minimized it closes to the icon instead of a button on the task bar. Answer: -------------------------------- Delphi Project file -------------------------------- program SystemTray; { System Tray Example Author: Ryan Brown Program Description: A simple example of how to get a delphi application to appear as an icon in the system tray. License: Free } uses Forms, Controls, Dialogs, ShellApi, Windows, frmMainUnt in 'frmMainUnt.pas' {frmMain}; {$R *.RES} var NotifyIconData : TNotifyIconData; begin Application.Initialize; Application.ShowMainForm := False; Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain); NotifyIconData.cbSize := SizeOf( NotifyIconData ); NotifyIconData.Wnd := frmMain.Handle; NotifyIconData.uCallbackMessage := WM_ShellIcon; NotifyIconData.hIcon := Application.Icon.Handle; NotifyIconData.szTip := 'System Tray Example'; NotifyIconData.uFlags := NIF_TIP + NIF_MESSAGE + NIF_ICON; try Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_ADD, @NotifyIconData ); ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); Application.Run; finally Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_DELETE, @NotifyIconData ); end; end. -------------------------------- Main Form File -------------------------------- unit frmMainUnt; { System Tray Example Author: Ryan Brown Program Description: A simple example of how to get a delphi application to appear as an icon in the system tray. License: Free } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus; const WM_ShellIcon = WM_USER + 1; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) mnuIconTray: TPopupMenu; mniViewProgram: TMenuItem; mniExitProgram: TMenuItem; procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure mniExitProgramClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mniViewProgramClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure ShellIcon( var Msg : TMessage ); message WM_ShellIcon; procedure OnMinimize( var Msg : TWMSysCommand ); message WM_SYSCOMMAND; public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation {$R *.DFM} { TfrmMain } procedure TfrmMain.ShellIcon(var Msg: TMessage); var Point : TPoint; begin case Msg.LParam of WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : begin Show; SetForegroundWindow( Handle ); end; WM_RBUTTONUP : begin SetForegroundWindow( Handle ); GetCursorPos( Point ); mnuIconTray.Popup( Point.x, Point.y ); PostMessage( Handle, WM_USER, 0, 0 ); end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); end; procedure TfrmMain.mniExitProgramClick(Sender: TObject); begin Application.Terminate; end; procedure TfrmMain.OnMinimize(var Msg: TWMSysCommand); begin if( Msg.CmdType = SC_MINIMIZE ) or ( Msg.CmdType = SC_CLOSE ) then Hide else inherited; end; procedure TfrmMain.mniViewProgramClick(Sender: TObject); begin Show; SetForegroundWindow( Handle ); end; end.