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************************************************************************************************************************* Useful string routines. cleanstring is a nice one. ************************************************************************************************************************* function cleanstring(var s:string):integer;//removes spaces and chars<#32 from beginning / end of string //returns no. of chars removed function space(i:integer):string; //returns a string consisting of <i> spaces function repeatstr(str:string;count:integer):string; //returns a string consisting of <count> occurences of str function removecr(s:string):string; //removes characters<#32 string replacing with spaces function removedblspc(s:string):string; //replaces double spaces with single spaces function propercase(s:string):string; //capitalises the first character of each word function getnextword(var s:string):string; //returns first word in s (and removes it from s cf strtok in C) function replace(src,from,tostr:string):string;//replaces occurrences of <from> in <src> with <tostr> src is function rpos(const substr,str:string):integer;//finds *last* occurrence of substr in str returns 0 for none function num8pad(i:integer):string; //Creates left padded string version of a number (8 chars) //i.e. num8pad(123) == "00000123" function strclean(p:pchar):integer; //pchar version of cleanstring; procedure hrtout(p:pchar); //pchar version of removecr function isnumeric(c:char):boolean; // function isalphanumeric(c:char):boolean; // function isalpha(c:char):boolean; // function isuppercase(c:char):boolean; // function islowercase(c:char):boolean; // procedure mystrpcopy(p:pchar;s:string); // obsolete - retained for Delphi 1 compatibility - overcomes problem // with delphi 2 strpcopy which only converted first 255 char even // when using long strings. function strlpas(p:pchar;count:integer):string; //same as strpas but you only get <count> chars function strlchr(p:pchar;c:char;count:integer):pchar; //same as strchr but in first <count> chars; function delsgmltags(const s:string):string;//removes sgml tags (does nothing with entities) function removetrailingslash(const s:string):string; //removes trailing slashes and backslashes from a directoryname function removefileextension(const s:string):string; //removes everything after the last dot in a filename function HEX_INT(c:char):integer; //converts ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F'] into an integer 0-15 function INT_HEX(i:integer):char; //converts 0->15 to '0'..'9','A'..'F' with implicit modulo function URLDecode(s:string):string; //converts a browser-mangled string to a clear string //i.e. 'Dom%27s%20code%20is%20slow%21' -> 'Dom''s code is slow' function URLEncode(s:string):string; //opposite of the above procedure fWriteLn(f:TStream;s:string); function Normalisedcp(cpin:string;maxcplen:integer):string;//will check a westlaw cp with spaces removed does not exceed maxlen characters. If it has then //then characters are removed from the cp until it reaches its maximum normalised length. Function PadStr(Num: Integer; LR, ch, s: String): String ; //pads a string to num characters on the left L or right R with character ch Function YYYYMMDDTODateTime(s:String):TDateTime; implementation {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-----=======----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Function PadStr(Num: Integer; LR, ch, s: String): String ; var len,x:integer; Begin //If s='' Then Exit ; Result:=s ; len:=length(s); If len>=Num Then Exit ; LR:=UpperCase(LR) ; for x:=(len+1) to Num do Begin If LR='L' then Result:=ch+Result Else Result:=Result+Ch ; End ; // for End ; // Function function Normalisedcp(cpin:string;maxcplen:integer):string; {will check a cp when it has had spaces removed does not exceed maxlen characters. If it has then then characters are removed from the cp until it reaches its maximum normalised length.} var x,ct,lastspace:integer; done:boolean; begin if length(replace(cpin,' ',''))>maxcplen then begin x:=0; ct:=0; lastspace:=1; done:=false; while (not done) and (x<=maxcplen) do begin if cpin[x]<>' ' then begin inc(ct); if ct=maxcplen then done:=true; end else lastspace:=x; inc(x); end; result:=copy(cpin,1,lastspace-1); end else result:=cpin; end; procedure fWriteLn(f:TStream;s:string); const crlf:pchar = #13#10; begin if s<>'' then f.write(s[1],length(s)); f.write(crlf[0],2); end; function INT_HEX(i:integer):char; const hexchars:pchar ='0123456789ABCDEF'; begin result:=hexchars[i and $F]; end; function URLEncode(s:string):string; var i,j,l:integer; begin if s='' then begin result:=''; exit; end; l:=0; //calculate length of resultant string for i:=1 to length(s) do begin if not(s[i] in ['0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z']) then inc(l,3) else inc(l,1); end; setlength(result,l); j:=1; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin if not(s[i] in ['0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z']) then begin result[j]:='%'; result[j+1]:=INT_HEX(ord(s[i]) shr 4); result[j+2]:=INT_HEX(ord(s[i])); inc(j,3); end else begin result[j]:=s[i]; inc(j); end; end; end; function URLDecode(s:string):string; var i,j,k:integer; begin i:=1; j:=1; setlength(result,length(s)); //result will be at least as long as encoded string while i<=length(s) do begin if (s[i]='%') and (length(s)>=i+2) then //two char code begin k:=HEX_INT(s[i+2])+16*HEX_INT(s[i+1]); result[j]:=chr(k); inc(j); inc(i,3); end else begin result[j]:=s[i]; inc(j); inc(i); end; end; SetLength(result,j-1); //reset string to correct length; end; function HEX_INT(c:char):integer; begin if c in ['0'..'9'] then result:=ord(c)-ord('0') else if c in ['A'..'F'] then result:=10+ord(c)-ord('A') else if c in ['a'..'f'] then result:=10+ord(c)-ord('a') else result:=0; end; function removefileextension(const s:string):string; var i,j:integer; begin result:=s; i:=rpos('.',result); j:=rpos('\',result); if (i>j) then setlength(result,i-1); end; function removetrailingslash(const s:string):string; begin result:=s; while (result<>'') and ((result[length(result)]='\') or (result[length(result)]='/')) do result:=copy(result,1,length(result)-1); end; function num8pad(i:integer):string; var s:string; begin s:=inttostr(i); result:=copy('00000000'+s,1+length(s),8); end; function rpos(const substr,str:string):integer; var i:integer; begin result:=0; if (substr='') then exit; for i:=length(str) downto 1 do begin if (str[i]=substr[1]) then begin if (copy(str,i,length(substr))=substr) then begin result:=i; exit; end; end; end; end; function strlchr(p:pchar;c:char;count:integer):pchar; var q:pchar; begin result:=nil; q:=p+count; while (p<q) do begin if (p^=c) then begin result:=p; exit; end; inc(p); end; end; procedure mystrpcopy(p:pchar;s:string); begin if s='' then p[0]:=chr(0) else StrCopy(p,@s[1]); end; function strlpas(p:pchar;count:integer):string; //var s:string; var i:integer; begin {s:=''; i:=0; while (i<count) and (p[i]<>chr(0)) do begin s:=s+p[i]; inc(i); end;} if count<=0 then begin result:=''; exit; end; asm push edi push ecx mov edi,p mov ecx,count cld mov al,0 REPNE SCASB JNE @skipback inc cx; @skipback: mov EAX,count sub eax,ecx mov i,eax pop ecx pop edi end; setlength(result,i); if i>0 then begin strmove(@result[1],p,i); end; //s:=copy(string(p),1,count); //strlpas:=s; end; procedure hrtout(p:pchar); var q:pchar; begin strclean(p); repeat q:=strscan(p,chr(13)); if (q=nil) then q:=strscan(p,chr(10)); if (q<>nil) then begin if (q=p) then strclean(p) else begin dec(q); if q[0]=' ' then strclean(q+1) else begin q[1]:=' '; strclean(q+2); end; end; end; until (q=nil); end; function isnumeric(c:char):boolean; begin if (c>='0') and (c<='9') then isnumeric:=true else isnumeric:=false; end; function isalpha(c:char):boolean; begin isalpha:=isuppercase(c) or islowercase(c); end; function isalphanumeric(c:char):boolean; begin isalphanumeric:=isalpha(c) or isnumeric(c); end; function isuppercase(c:char):boolean; begin if (c>='A') and (c<='Z') then isuppercase:=true else isuppercase:=false; end; function islowercase(c:char):boolean; begin if (c>='a') and (c<='z') then islowercase:=true else islowercase:=false; end; function strclean(p:pchar):integer; var q:pchar; i:integer; begin i:=0; while (p[0]<>chr(0)) and (p[0]<=chr(32)) do begin q:=p; while (q[0]<>chr(0)) do begin q[0]:=q[1]; q:=q+1; inc(i); end; end; q:=strend(p); while (q>=p) and (q[0]<=chr(32)) do begin q[0]:=chr(0); q:=q-1; inc(i); end; strclean:=i; end; function cleanstring(var s:string):integer; var i:integer; begin i:=0; while (length(s)>0) and (ord(s[1])<=32) do begin s:=copy(s,2,MaxInt);inc(i);end; while (length(s)>0) and (ord(s[length(s)])<=32) do begin s:=copy(s,1,length(s)-1);inc(i);end; cleanstring:=i; end; function space(i:integer):string; var s:string; j:integer; begin setlength(s,i); for j:=1 to i do s[j]:=' '; space:=s; end; function repeatstr(str:string;count:integer):string; var x:integer; begin result:=''; for x:=1 to count do result:=result+str; end; function removecr(s:string):string; var s2:string; i:integer; begin s2:=''; i:=1; while (i<=length(s)) do begin if s[i]>=chr(32) then s2:=s2+s[i] else s2:=s2+' '; inc(i); end; removecr:=s2; end; function removedblspc(s:string):string; var s2:string; i:integer; lastspc:boolean; begin {convert chars<32 to space} i:=1; while (i<length(s)) do begin if (s[i]<chr(32)) then s[i]:=' '; inc(i); end; lastspc:=false; s2:=''; i:=1; while (i<=length(s)) do begin if (s[i]=' ') then begin if not(lastspc) then s2:=s2+' '; lastspc:=true; end else begin s2:=s2+s[i]; lastspc:=false; end; inc(i); end; removedblspc:=s2; end; function getnextword(var s:string):string; var w:string; i:integer; begin i:=pos(' ',s); if (i>0) then begin w:=copy(s,1,i-1); s:=copy(s,i+1,MAXINT); end else begin w:=s; s:=''; end; getnextword:=w; end; function propercase(s:string):string; var w,s2:string; begin s2:=''; repeat w:=getnextword(s); if (w<>'') then begin w:=lowercase(w); if (w<>'of') and (w<>'and') and (w<>'in') and (w<>'the') then w[1]:=uppercase(w[1])[1]; if (s2<>'') then s2:=s2+' '; s2:=s2+w; end; until s=''; if (length(s2)>0) then s2[1]:=(uppercase(s2[1]))[1]; propercase:=s2; end; function replace(src,from,tostr:string):string; var ss:string; i,fromlen:integer; begin ss:=''; fromlen:=length(from); repeat i:=pos(from,src); if (i>0) then begin ss:=ss+copy(src,1,i-1)+tostr; src:=copy(src,i+fromlen,maxint); end else begin ss:=ss+src; src:=''; end; until src=''; replace:=ss; end; function delsgmltags(const s:string):string; //removes <section> </section> type tags from a string var s2:string; i,j:integer; begin i:=pos('<',s); j:=pos('>',s); s2:=s; while (i>0) and (j>0) and (j>i) do begin s2:=copy(s2,1,i-1)+copy(s2,j+1,maxint); i:=pos('<',s2); j:=pos('>',s2); end; delsgmltags:=s2; end; Function YYYYMMDDTODateTime(s:String):TDateTime; procedure barf; begin raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid date format should be of the form YYYY-MM-DD'); end; var y,m,d:word; begin y:=0; m:=0; d:=0; if length(s)<>10 then barf; if (s[5]<>'-') or (s[8]<>'-') then barf; try y:=strtoint(copy(s,1,4)); m:=strtoint(copy(s,6,2)); d:=strtoint(copy(s,9,2)); except on e:Exception do barf; end; result:=EncodeDate(y,m,d); end; end. ************************************************************************************************************************* Gary Wilson. 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