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Hi All, I'm looking for an algorithm that will detect the difference between two strings. The strings may be rather long and will probably have been read from a text file or memo.lines.text. The sort of 'visual differencing' feature that a good program editor offers, with or without the GUI is what I'm looking for. From: "Mark Meyer" <> To: <> Subject: Re: Difference between strings. Date sent: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 22:03:28 -0600 Send reply to: peter... this should do it.. i tested it on a simple file- seemed to work well - this is only a proof of concept. needs exception handling and probably should use streams. i translated this into delphi from a book of algos called, "software tools" by kernighan & plauger. the isbn is 0-201-03669-x. addison-wesley publishing company. if you pick up the book it is on page 67. the book may be out of print now but it is well worth having in your lib. one of those books like "code complete" and "writing solid code" - worth it's weight in gold and timeless. unit Main; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure compfile(filename1, filename2 : string); function compstr(s1, s2 : string) : boolean; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var filename1 : string; filename2 : string; begin filename1 := 'c:\footer.txt'; filename2 := 'c:\junk.txt'; compfile(filename1, filename2); end; procedure tform1.compfile(filename1, filename2 : string); var f1 : system.textfile; f2 : system.textfile; diff : system.textfile; buf1 : string; buf2 : string; l : integer; begin assignfile(f1, filename1); assignfile(f2, filename2); assignfile(diff, 'c:\$$_diff.txt'); reset(f1); reset(f2); rewrite(diff); l := 1; while not eof(f1) do begin readln(f1, buf1); readln(f2, buf2); if not (compstr(buf1, buf2) )then begin {probably write line number and contents of buf to diff file} writeln(diff, 'line: '+ inttostr(l) + '-' + buf1); writeln(diff, 'line: '+ inttostr(l) + '-' + buf2); writeln(diff, ' '); end;{if} inc(l); {increment the line counter} end;{while} closefile(f1); closefile(f2); closefile(diff); end; function tform1.compstr(s1, s2 : string) : boolean; var i : integer; btemp : boolean; begin btemp := true; if (length(s1) <> length(s2)) then begin btemp := false; end{if} else begin for i:= 1 to length(s1) do begin if (s1[i] <> s2[i]) then begin btemp := false; exit; end;{if} end;{for} end;{else} result := btemp; end; end.