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Stop and wait for a key

Maybe I've invented the wheel once again, but I couldn't find anything that did what I wanted to do so... I was writing a program and wanted to stop execution from code, and then continue executing when pressing a key. My solution is creating a form and making it invisible by setting Width and Height to zero. When I want the program to stop, I do a ShowModal on the Form and look for the OnKeyPress-Event. If you want the component it's here. unit wkey; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, FileCtrl, ComCtrls; type TKeyIn = (AnyKey,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,&l t;/ FONT>o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z); TWKey = class(TComponent) private DForm: TForm; DLabel: TLabel; FKey: TKeyIn; PKey: string; FShow: Boolean; FPosition: TPosition; FColor: TColor; procedure SetKey(Value: TKeyIn); procedure KeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var Key: char); procedure SetShowMessage(Value: Boolean); procedure SetMessagePosition(Value: TPosition); procedure SetMessageColor(Value: TColor); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public procedure Wait; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; { Public declarations } published property KeyToPress: TKeyIn read FKey write SetKey; property ShowMessage: Boolean read FShow write SetShowMessage; property MessagePosition: TPosition read FPosition write SetMessagePosition; property MessageColor: TColor read FColor write SetMessageColor; { Published declarations } end; implementation constructor TWKey.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); DForm:= TForm.Create(Self); DLabel:= TLabel.Create(Self); DLabel.Parent:= DForm; DForm.Color:= clYellow; DForm.Position:= poScreenCenter; DForm.Borderstyle:= bsNone; DLabel.Top:= 5; DLabel.Left:= 5; DForm.OnKeyPress:= KeyPressed; FKey:= AnyKey; FShow:= true; FColor:= clYellow; FPosition:= poMainFormCenter; FCop:= '2000 (C), MASoft'; end; procedure TWKey.KeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var Key: char); var OK: Boolean; begin OK:= false; case FKey of AnyKey: OK:= true; a: if Key = 'a' then OK:= true; b: if Key = 'b' then OK:= true; c: if Key = 'c' then OK:= true; d: if Key = 'd' then OK:= true; E: if Key = 'e' then OK:= true; F: if Key = 'f' then OK:= true; g: if Key = 'g' then OK:= true; h: if Key = 'h' then OK:= true; i: if Key = 'i' then OK:= true; j: if Key = 'j' then OK:= true; k: if Key = 'k' then OK:= true; l: if Key = 'l' then OK:= true; m: if Key = 'm' then OK:= true; n: if Key = 'n' then OK:= true; o: if Key = 'o' then OK:= true; p: if Key = 'p' then OK:= true; q: if Key = 'q' then OK:= true; r: if Key = 'r' then OK:= true; S: if Key = 's' then OK:= true; t: if Key = 't' then OK:= true; u: if Key = 'u' then OK:= true; v: if Key = 'v' then OK:= true; w: if Key = 'w' then OK:= true; x: if Key = 'x' then OK:= true; y: if Key = 'y' then OK:= true; z: if Key = 'z' then OK:= true; end; if OK then DForm.ModalResult:= mrOK; end; destructor TWKey.Destroy; begin DLabel.Free; DForm.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TWKey.Wait; begin if FShow then begin DForm.Width:= 125; DForm.Height:= 24; if FKey = AnyKey then DLabel.Caption:= 'Press a key to continue.' else DLabel.Caption:= 'Press ' + PKey + ' to continue.'; end else begin DForm.Width:= 0; DForm.Height:= 0; end; if DForm.ShowModal = mrOK then end; procedure TWKey.SetKey(Value: TKeyIn); begin FKey:= Value; case FKey of AnyKey: PKey:= 'a key'; a: PKey:= '<a>'; b: PKey:= '<b>'; c: PKey:= '<c>'; d: PKey:= '<d>'; E: PKey:= '<e>'; F: PKey:= '<f>'; g: PKey:= '<g>'; h: PKey:= '<h>'; i: PKey:= '<i>'; j: PKey:= '<j>'; k: PKey:= '<k>'; l: PKey:= '<l>'; m: PKey:= '<m>'; n: PKey:= '<n>'; o: PKey:= '<o>'; p: PKey:= '<p>'; q: PKey:= '<q>'; r: PKey:= '<r>'; S: PKey:= '<s>'; t: PKey:= '<t>'; u: PKey:= '<u>'; v: PKey:= '<v>'; w: PKey:= '<w>'; x: PKey:= '<x>'; y: PKey:= '<y>'; z: PKey:= '<z>'; end; end; procedure TWKey.SetShowMessage(Value: Boolean); begin FShow:= Value; end; procedure TWKey.SetMessagePosition(Value: TPosition); begin FPosition:= Value; DForm.Position:= FPosition; end; procedure TWKey.SetMessageColor(Value: TColor); begin FColor:= Value; DForm.Color:= FColor; end; end.