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Statusbar able to hold controls

{ ****************************************************************** } { } { VCL component TSStatusBar } { } { StatusBar able to hold controls } { } { Code generated by Component Create for Delphi } { } { Generated from untitled component definition } { on 24 May 1997 at 11:36 } { } { Copyright © 1997 by ...Tangentals Design } { } { ****************************************************************** } unit SStatBrU; interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Graphics, Comctrls; type TSStatusBar = class(TStatusBar) private { Private fields of TSStatusBar } { Private methods of TSStatusBar } { Method to set variable and property values and create objects } procedure AutoInitialize; { Method to free any objects created by AutoInitialize } procedure AutoDestroy; protected { Protected fields of TSStatusBar } { Protected methods of TSStatusBar } procedure Click; override; procedure Loaded; override; public { Public fields and properties of TSStatusBar } { Public methods of TSStatusBar } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published { Published properties of TSStatusBar } property OnClick; property OnResize; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin { Register TSStatusBar with Win95 as its default page on the Delphi component palette } RegisterComponents('Win95', [TSStatusBar]); end; { Method to set variable and property values and create objects } procedure TSStatusBar.AutoInitialize; begin end; { of AutoInitialize } { Method to free any objects created by AutoInitialize } procedure TSStatusBar.AutoDestroy; begin { No objects from AutoInitialize to free } end; { of AutoDestroy } { Override OnClick handler from TStatusBar } procedure TSStatusBar.Click; begin { Code to execute before activating click behavior of component's parent class } { Activate click behavior of parent } inherited Click; { Code to execute after click behavior of parent } end; constructor TSStatusBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin { Call the Create method of the parent class } inherited Create(AOwner); { AutoInitialize sets the initial values of variables and } { properties; also, it creates objects for properties of } { standard Delphi object types (e.g., TFont, TTimer, } { TPicture) and for any variables marked as objects. } { AutoInitialize method is generated by Component Create. } AutoInitialize; { Code to perform other tasks when the component is created } ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls]; end; destructor TSStatusBar.Destroy; begin { AutoDestroy, which is generated by Component Create, frees any } { objects created by AutoInitialize. } AutoDestroy; { Here, free any other dynamic objects that the component methods } { created but have not yet freed. Also perform any other clean-up } { operations needed before the component is destroyed. } { Last, free the component by calling the Destroy method of the } { parent class. } inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSStatusBar.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; { Perform any component setup that depends on the property values having been set } end; end.