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Status bar component

{ Author: Craig Ward Copyright: none - public domain Date: 20/5/96 Version: 1.0 Overview: Status bar Notes: The captions for each panel (stored within the wrapper component), can be accessed via their index. The indices are: [0] status panel [1] caps-lock panel [2] num-lock panel [3] scroll-lock panel [4] time panel The component will automatically check for the state of the caps-lock, num-lock, and scroll-lock keys, plus, it will also display the current time (all achieved through a private TTimer). Furthermore, the component will also automatically display any application hint, by setting the application's OnHint method to the custom method that is used by the TTimer. *******************************************************************************} unit Cwstatus; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type {container object for panels} TStatusPanel = class(TPanel) private { Private declarations } FStatusPanel: TPanel; {the comment panel} FCapsPanel: TPanel; {the caps-lock panel} FNumPanel: TPanel; {the num-lock panel} FScrollPanel: TPanel; {the scroll-lock panel} FTimePanel: TPanel; {the time panel} public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; {wrapper for component} TcwStatusBar = Class(TWinControl) StatusPanel: TStatusPanel; FTimer: TTimer; private function GetCaption(Index: Integer): string; procedure SetCaption(Index: Integer; Cap: string); procedure mTimer(sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Captions[Index: Integer]: string read GetCaption write SetCaption; published property Font; property ParentFont; property Align; end; procedure Register; implementation {***VCL Preferences************************************************************} {constructor - note: panels created in reverse order} constructor TStatusPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Align := alBottom; {default to bottom of form} {create time panel} FTimePanel := TPanel.Create(self); with FTimePanel do begin Parent := self; {set parent to self} width := 65; Align := alRight; {set alignment to right} BevelOuter := bvLowered; {set bevel appearances} BevelInner := bvLowered; Caption := 'Time'; {set caption text} Alignment := taLeftJustify; {left-justify caption} ParentFont := true; {assume the parent's font} end; {create scroll-lock panel} FScrollPanel := TPanel.Create(self); with FScrollPanel do begin Parent := self; {set parent to self} width := 40; Align := alRight; {set alignment to right} BevelOuter := bvLowered; {set bevel appearances} BevelInner := bvLowered; Caption := 'Scroll'; {set caption text} Alignment := taLeftJustify; {left-justify caption} ParentFont := true; {assume the parent's font} end; {create num-lock panel} FNumPanel := TPanel.Create(self); with FNumPanel do begin Parent := self; {set parent to self} width := 40; Align := alRight; {set alignment to right} BevelOuter := bvLowered; {set bevel appearances} BevelInner := bvLowered; Caption := 'Num'; {set caption text} Alignment := taLeftJustify; {left-justify caption} ParentFont := true; {assume the parent's font} end; {create caps-lock panel} FCapsPanel := TPanel.Create(self); with FCapsPanel do begin Parent := self; {set parent to self} width := 40; Align := alRight; {set alignment to right} BevelOuter := bvLowered; {set bevel appearances} BevelInner := bvLowered; Caption := 'Caps'; {set caption text} Alignment := taLeftJustify; {left-justify caption} ParentFont := true; {assume the parent's font} end; {create comment panel} FStatusPanel := TPanel.Create(self); with FStatusPanel do begin Parent := self; {set parent to self} Align := alClient; {set alignment to client} BevelOuter := bvLowered; {set bevel appearances} BevelInner := bvLowered; Caption := 'Status Panel'; {set caption text} Alignment := taLeftJustify; {left-justify caption} ParentFont := true; {assume the parent's font} end; end; {constructor - for wrapper} constructor TcwStatusBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); {create status-panel} Align := alBottom; {default to alBottom} StatusPanel := TStatusPanel.Create(self); {create a TStatusPanel instance} with StatusPanel do begin Parent := self; {set parent to self} Align := alClient; {set alignment to client} end; Height := 25; {create TTimer} FTimer := TTimer.create(self); with FTimer do begin OnTimer := mTimer; interval := 250; {update panels quarter of a second} enabled := true; end; {set application's OnHint to the custom method, used by the TTimer. This will force the application, when a hint is encountered, to be displayed in the panel.} application.onHint := mTimer; {call timer method - this ensures that the application will open with a status-bar that is configured and running} mTimer(self); end; {destructor - for wrapper} destructor TcwStatusBar.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; {return caption (of panel in index)} function TcwStatusBar.GetCaption(Index: Integer): string; begin case Index of 0: result := StatusPanel.FStatusPanel.caption; 1: result := StatusPanel.FCapsPanel.caption; 2: result := StatusPanel.FNumPanel.caption; 3: result := StatusPanel.FScrollPanel.caption; 4: result := StatusPanel.FTimePanel.caption; { Show error if any other Index was entered } else MessageDlg('Invalid Index Value', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; {set caption (of panel in index)} procedure TcwStatusBar.SetCaption(Index: Integer; Cap: string); begin case Index of 0: StatusPanel.FStatusPanel.Caption := cap; 1: StatusPanel.FCapsPanel.Caption := cap; 2: StatusPanel.FNumPanel.caption := cap; 3: StatusPanel.FScrollPanel.caption := cap; 4: StatusPanel.FTimePanel.caption := cap; { Show an error if any other Index was entered } else MessageDlg('Invalid Index Value', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; {register} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('cw_apps', [TcwStatusBar]); end; {***custom routines************************************************************} {on timer, update captions} procedure TcwStatusBar.mTimer(sender: TObject); begin {set hint} Captions[0] := ' '+application.hint; {set caps lock} if GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) <> 0 then Captions[1] := ' CAP' else Captions[1] := ''; {set num lock} if GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) <> 0 then Captions[2] := ' NUM' else Captions[2] := ''; {set scroll lock} if GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) <> 0 then Captions[3] := ' SCRL' else Captions[3] := ''; {set time} Captions[4] := ' '+TimeToStr(now); end; {} end.