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Starting and stopping windows services

The following two functions allow you to start or stop a Windows service - local or on a remote computer: ServiceStart and ServiceStop. Use them as shown in the block at the end. Note: Thanks to Henk Mulder who mailed me about a correction with the assignment to dwCurrentState. I think this code was written originally with Delphi 3 and probably Borland or Microsoft changed something from a signed integer to an unsigned word. { Thanks to Andrea Canu for pointing out a problem in this code (fixed now). } program test; uses WinSvc; {sc----------------------------------------------------------------------- ServiceStart sMachine: machine name, ie: \\SERVER empty = local machine Purpose: start service return TRUE if successful -----------------------------------------------------------------------sc} function ServiceStart(sMachine, sService: String) : Boolean; var schm, schs: SC_Handle; ss: TServiceStatus; psTemp: PChar; dwChkP: DWord; begin ss.dwCurrentState := 1; // originally -1, corrected by Henk Mulder schm := OpenSCManager(PChar(sMachine), nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (schm>0) then begin schs := OpenService(schm, PChar(sService), SERVICE_START or SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if (schs>0) then begin psTemp := nil; if (StartService(schs, 0, psTemp)) then if (QueryServiceStatus(schs, ss)) then while (SERVICE_RUNNING<>ss.dwCurrentState) do begin dwChkP := ss.dwCheckPoint; Sleep(ss.dwWaitHint); if (not QueryServiceStatus(schs, ss)) then Break; if (ss.dwCheckPoint < dwChkP) then Break; end; CloseServiceHandle(schs); end; CloseServiceHandle(schm); end; Result := SERVICE_RUNNING=ss.dwCurrentState; end; {sc----------------------------------------------------------------------- ServiceStop Purpose: stop a service, parameters as in ServiceStart -----------------------------------------------------------------------sc} function ServiceStop(sMachine, sService: String) : Boolean; var schm, schs: SC_Handle; ss: TServiceStatus; dwChkP: DWord; begin schm := OpenSCManager(PChar(sMachine), nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (schm>0) then begin schs := OpenService(schm, PChar(sService), SERVICE_STOP or SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if (schs>0) then begin if (ControlService(schs, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, ss)) then if (QueryServiceStatus(schs, ss)) then while (SERVICE_STOPPED<>ss.dwCurrentState) do begin dwChkP := ss.dwCheckPoint; Sleep(ss.dwWaitHint); if (not QueryServiceStatus(schs, ss)) then Break; if (ss.dwCheckPoint < dwChkP) then Break; end; CloseServiceHandle(schs); end; CloseServiceHandle(schm); end; Result := SERVICE_STOPPED=ss.dwCurrentState; end; begin if (ServiceStart('\\ComputerName', 'alerter')) then begin // .. end; if (ServiceStop('', 'alerter')) then begin // .. end; end.