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Start a dos program from delphi 1 and wait for it to finish

The following Delphi1 procedure executes a DOS program and waits until it finished. Parameter HWindow is the window handle of the calling application, typically you would pass Application.MainForm.Handle there. The key function is GetModuleUsage to determine whether the DOS module is still in memory - this function is not available in in Delphi 2/3. procedure ExecAndWait(HWindow:HWnd; ExecStr: PChar; CmdShow: word); var M : TMsg; Erg : word; ErgStr, MsgStr : array[0..128] of char; begin Erg:=WinExec(ExecStr,CmdShow); if Erg < 32 then begin str(erg, ergstr); strcopy(msgstr,'Could not execute program. Error #: '); strcat (msgstr, ergstr); MessageBox(hwindow, ergstr, execstr, mb_ok or mb_iconstop); end else begin { exec waits! } ShowWindow(hwindow, sw_hide); repeat while PeekMessage(m,0,0,0,pm_remove) do begin if m.Message=wm_quit then begin PostQuitMessage(m.wparam); exit; end else begin translatemessage(m); dispatchmessage(m); end; end; until GetModuleUsage(erg)=0; ShowWindow(hwindow, sw_shownormal); end; end;