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Ss names of common applications that are included in Windows

Title: ss names of common applications that are included in Windows Every window is a member of a window class. When you use API functions suchs as FindWindow, ShowWindow,..., you need the classname as parameter to specify the window class name. Below are some class names of common applications that are included in Windows. Class Name Application Omain ACCESS.EXE SciCalc CALC.EXE CalWndMain CALENDAR.EXE Cardfile CARDFILE.EXE Clipboard CLIPBOARD.EXE Clock CLOCK.EXE CtlPanelClass CONTROL.EXE XLMain EXCEL.EXE Session MS-DOS.EXE Notepad NOTEPAD.EXE pbParent PBRUSH.EXE Pif PIFEDIT.EXE PrintManager PRINTMAN.EXE Progman PROGMAN.EXE (Windows Program Manager) Recorder RECORDER.EXE Reversi REVERSI.EXE #32770 SETUP.EXE Solitaire SOL.EXE Terminal TERMINAL.EXE WFS_Frame WINFILE.EXE MW_WINHELP WINHELP.EXE #32770 WINVER.EXE OpusApp WINWORD.EXE MSWRITE_MENU WRITE.EXE Below are some class names of applications that are new with Windows 95: Class Name Application -------------------------- -------------------------- CabinetWClass My Computer Window Internet Explorer_Frame IEXPLORE.EXE MSPaintApp MSPAINT.EXE SageWindowClass System Agent Com Window Shell_Traywnd Windows 95 Task Bar WordPadClass WORDPAD.EXE DialerClass DIALER.EXE SJE_CDPlayerClass CDPLAYER.EXE MyDlgClass CHARMAP.EXE MSDefragWClass1 DEFRAG.EXE GFVMainWndClass FAXVIEW.EXE FreeWClass FREECELL.EXE Mplayer MPLAYER.EXE AfxFrameorView HEARTS.EXE NW_Class NETWATCH.EXE AppClass PACKAGER.EXE System Policy Editor POLEDIT.EXE PWLEdit PWLEDIT.EXE RegEdit_RegEdit REGEDIT.EXE ScanDskWDlgClass SCANDSK.EXE SoundRec SNDREC32.EXE Volume Control SNDVOL32.EXE System Monitor SYSMON.EXE MSTaskSwWClass TASKMAN.EXE TelnetWClass TELNET.EXE WinIPCfgClass WINIPCFG.EXE WordPadClass WORDPAD.EXE Session_Window HYPERTRM.EXE