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Splitting a string in an dynamic array

A function that splits a string in parts separated by a substring and returns the parts in a dynamic string array Splitting a string in an array The following functions split a string in parts separated by a substring and return the parts in a dynamic string array: interface type TStringArray = array of string; function Split(const str: string; const separator: string = ','): TStringArray; function AnsiSplit(const str: string; const separator: string = ','): TStringArray; implementation uses sysutils; function Split(const str: string; const separator: string): TStringArray; // Returns an array with the parts of "str" separated by "separator" var i, n: integer; p, q, s: PChar; begin SetLength(Result, Occurs(str, separator)+1); p := PChar(str); s := PChar(separator); n := Length(separator); i := 0; repeat q := StrPos(p, s); if q = nil then q := StrScan(p, #0); SetString(Result[i], p, q - p); p := q + n; inc(i); until q^ = #0; end; function AnsiSplit(const str: string; const separator: string): TStringArray; // Returns an array with the parts of "str" separated by "separator" // ANSI version var i, n: integer; p, q, s: PChar; begin SetLength(Result, AnsiOccurs(str, separator)+1); p := PChar(str); s := PChar(separator); n := Length(separator); i := 0; repeat q := AnsiStrPos(p, s); if q = nil then q := AnsiStrScan(p, #0); SetString(Result[i], p, q - p); p := q + n; inc(i); until q^ = #0; end; Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a: TStringArray; i: integer; begin a := Split('part1,part2,part3'); for i := 0 to Length(a) - 1 do begin // Will show three dialogs ShowMessage(a[i]); // 'part1', 'part2', 'part3' end; end;