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SMS send Unit

Title: SMS send Unit Question: How To send SMS With Oxcum Component Answer: unit uSendSMS; interface procedure SendSMS(smsc, Tujuan, Isi: string); const sOK = 'OK'; sERROR = 'ERROR'; ProXLsmsc ='62818445009'; Simpatismsc ='6281100000'; Mentarismsc ='62816124'; IM3smsc ='62855000000'; var lkirim : integer; implementation Uses uRecaiveSMS; function text2PDU(text:string):string; var PDU : string; geser,panjang,tmp,tmp2,tmp3,n:byte; begin PDU :=''; panjang :=length(text); PDU :=PDU+inttohex(panjang,2); geser :=0; for n :=1 to panjang-1 do begin tmp2 :=ord(text[n]); if geser0 then tmp2 :=tmp2 shr geser; tmp :=ord(text[n+1]); if geser=7 then begin geser :=0; end else begin tmp3 :=8-(geser+1); if tmp30 then tmp:=tmp shl tmp3; PDU :=PDU+inttohex((tmp or tmp2),2); inc(geser); end; end; if geser begin tmp2:=ord(text[panjang]); if(geser0)then tmp2:=tmp2 shr geser; PDU:=PDU+inttohex(tmp2,2); end; result:=PDU; end; function ConvertText(smsc,tipe,ref,tujuan,bentuk,skema,validitas,isi:string):string; var PDU,tmp :string; p, i :byte; begin PDU := ''; If length(smsc)=0 then begin result :=''; exit; end; if length(tipe)=0 then tipe :='11'; if length(ref)=0 then ref :='00'; if length(bentuk)=0 then bentuk :='00'; if length(skema)=0 then skema :='00'; if length(validitas)=0 then validitas :='FF'; If length(isi)=0 then begin result :=''; exit; end; if smsc[1]='0' then tmp :='81'+smsc else tmp :='91'+smsc; if(length(tmp)mod 2)0 then tmp :=tmp+'F'; p := length(tmp); PDU :=PDU + inttohex(p div 2,2) + tmp[1] + tmp[2]; for i:= 2 to length(tmp)div 2 do begin PDU :=PDU+tmp[i*2]; PDU :=PDU+tmp[(i*2)-1]; end; PDU :=PDU+tipe; PDU :=PDU+ref; if tujuan[1]='+' then tujuan:=copy(tujuan,2,length(tujuan)-1); PDU :=PDU+inttohex(length(tujuan),2); if(length(tujuan)mod 2)0 then tujuan:=tujuan+'F'; if tujuan[1]='0' then PDU :=PDU+'81' else begin PDU :=PDU+'91'; end; for i :=1 to length(tujuan)div 2 do begin PDU :=PDU+tujuan[i*2]; PDU :=PDU+tujuan[(i*2)-1]; end; PDU :=PDU+bentuk; PDU :=PDU+skema; PDU :=PDU+validitas; tmp := Text2PDU(isi); PDU :=PDU+tmp; i := length(tmp); lkirim := (length(PDU) - p) div 2; result :=PDU; end; function SendGetData(teks: string; tOK: string): string; var waktu : TDateTime; buffer : string; begin waktu := now; comm.Output := teks; sleep(500); buffer := ''; repeat buffer := buffer + comm.Input; until (pos(tOK, buffer) 0) or (pos(sERROR, buffer) 0) or (SecondsBetween(waktu,now) 60); result := buffer; end; procedure SendSMS; var PDU :string; begin PDU := ConvertText(IM3smsc,'','',Tujuan,'','','',isi); SendGetData('AT+CMGS=' + inttostr(lkirim) + #13, ''); SendGetData(PDU + #$1A, sOK); end; begin end. Write by Aryo Sanjaya: Editing with Patlisan