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-set time procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SystemTime : TSystemTime; begin SystemTime.wHour := 23; SystemTime.wMinute := 20; SystemTime.wSecond := 0; SetLocalTime(SystemTime); end; ------------------------------------------------------------ -set date procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var SystemTime : TSystemTime; begin SystemTime.wYear := 2000; SystemTime.wMonth := 5; SystemTime.wDay := 23; SetLocalTime(SystemTime); end; -------------------------------------------------------------- - time since last boot function Uptime: string; var count, days, min, hours, seconds : longint; begin {Obtenemos milisegundos transcurridos} {Gets windows uptime in msec} Count := GetTickCount(); {Lo convertimos a dd-hh-mm-ss} {Coverts msec into dd-hh-mm-ss} Count := Count div 1000; Days := Count div (24 * 3600); if Days > 0 then Count := Count - (24 * 3600 * Days); Hours := Count div 3600; if Hours > 0 then Count := Count - (3600 * Hours); Min := Count div 60; Seconds := Count mod 60; {Damos el resultado, en una string} {Gives the result and converts it into string} Result := IntToStr(Days)+' Days '+IntToStr(Hours)+ ' hours '+IntToStr(Min)+' minutes '+ IntToStr(seconds) +' seconds '; end; begin Label1.Caption:=Uptime; end; --------------------------------------------------------------