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Simple Vertical Scroller

Title: Simple Vertical Scroller Question: The following object implements a simple vertical scroller. Answer: Usage: Set the font and colors on the canvas of the ABitmap. Create the object. Use AddLine to add lines to be scrolled. The object automatically creates some empty lines at the top to give the impression that the scroll lines appear from the bottom. Set up a timer. For each onTimer() event, call Animate. Also, remember to call TBitmap.Refresh to refresh the bitmap. That's it. Enjoy. unit scroll; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } interface { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } uses graphics, windows, classes; type TScroll = class private fBitmap : graphics.TBitmap; fList : TStringList; fLineHeight : integer; fLinesPerPage : integer; fTopLine : integer; fScrollIndex : integer; public constructor Create( ABitmap : graphics.TBitmap ); procedure AddLine( ALine : string ); procedure Animate; end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } implementation { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } constructor TScroll.Create( ABitmap : graphics.TBitmap ); var i : integer; begin fBitmap := ABitmap; fList := TStringList.Create; fLineHeight := fBitmap.Canvas.TextHeight( 'TMgfjpLoQ@&' ); fLinesPerPage := fBitmap.Height div fLineHeight + 1; fTopLine := 0; fScrollIndex := 0; for i := 0 to fLinesPerPage do fList.Add( '' ); end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TScroll.Animate; var i : integer; begin fBitmap.Canvas.FillRect( Bounds( 0,0,fBitmap.Width,fBitmap.Height ) ); for i := 0 to fLinesPerPage do begin if fList.Count i+fTopLine then fBitmap.Canvas.TextOut( 0, fScrollIndex+fLineHeight*i, fList.Strings[i+fTopLine] ); end; Dec( fScrollIndex ); if fScrollIndex begin fScrollIndex := 0; Inc( fTopLine ); if fTopLine fList.Count-1 then fTopLine := 0; end; end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TScroll.AddLine( ALine : string ); begin fList.Add( ALine ); end; end.