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Simple html to text converter

I often get questions like: "How can I cut out the text I wan't from a HTML-file ?" One way to do this is to first remove all taginformation, and make a clean textfile of it. How can I do that? Well it's quite simple. A HTML-file consists of tags and text. Everything that's surrounded by a '<' and a '>' - character is what we call tags. Tags is information which the webbrowser will respond to in different ways. On the other hand, things between a '>' and '<' is pure text (with some exceptions), which the browser will write to the screen. Lets consider two exceptions in our simple converter: '&nbsp;' - nonbreaking space and '&quot;' - quotation mark. Let's convert the break-tag '<BR>' to a carriage return (#13#10). Finally we delete empty lines and save the file with a txt-extension. Here's the code: procedure TForm1.ConvertHTMLToText(FileName: TFileName); var Dummy: TStringList; Str, ResText: string; Count, n: Integer; MayBeText: Boolean; begin Dummy:= TStringList.Create; try Dummy.LoadFromFile(FileName); Str:= Dummy.Text; Count:= 0; MayBeText:= false; ResText:= ''; for n:= 1 to Length(Str) do begin if Count > 0 then Dec(Count) else begin if (Str[n] = '&') and // &NBSP; (Uppercase(Str[n + 1]) = 'N') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 2]) = 'B') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 3]) = 'S') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 4]) = 'P') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 5]) = ';') then begin // Skip next five chars Count:= 5; ResText:= ResText + ' '; end else if (Str[n] = '&') and // &QUOT; (Uppercase(Str[n + 1]) = 'Q') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 2]) = 'U') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 3]) = 'O') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 4]) = 'T') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 5]) = ';') then begin // Skip next five chars Count:= 5; ResText:= ResText + '"'; end else if MayBeText and (Str[n] <> '<') then // Consider as text ResText:= ResText + Str[n]; if Str[n] = '<' then begin MayBeText:= false; // <BR> if (Uppercase(Str[n + 1]) = 'B') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 2]) = 'R') and (Uppercase(Str[n + 3]) = '>') then ResText:= ResText + #13#10; end; if Str[n] = '>' then MayBeText:= true; end; end; Str:= ''; Str:= ResText; ResText:= ''; Count:= 0; // suppress empty lines for n:= 1 to Length(Str) do begin if Count > 0 then Dec(Count) else begin if (Str[n] = #13) and (Str[n + 1] = #10) and (Str[n + 2] = #13) and (Str[n + 3] = #10) then Count:= 1 else ResText:= ResText + Str[n]; end; end; Dummy.Text:= ResText; Dummy.SaveToFile(Copy(FileName, 1, Pos('.', FileName)) + 'txt'); finally Dummy.Free; end; end;