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Shutdown, to restart, to close session from the PC to a certain hour

Title: Shutdown, to restart, to close session from the PC to a certain hour Question: How to shutdown, to restart, to close session from the PC to a certain hour (it works in Windows 2000/XP) Answer: Source code to shutdown, restart, to close session of the PC or to show a warning at a specified hour: unit Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ShellApi, Menus, ExtCtrls, ActnList, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons; type TwndIconic = class(TForm) GroupBox1: TGroupBox; lHoraActual: TLabel; RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup; gAccion: TGroupBox; lHora: TLabel; Button3: TButton; BMinimizar: TButton; BAjustar: TButton; Button2: TButton; actAction: TActionList; actAcercaDe: TAction; actAyuda: TAction; actAjustarHora: TAction; actMinimizar: TAction; actSalir: TAction; Temporizador: TTimer; PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; Acercade1: TMenuItem; Ayuda1: TMenuItem; Ajustarhora1: TMenuItem; Minimizar1: TMenuItem; Salir1: TMenuItem; opApagar: TRadioButton; opReiniciar: TRadioButton; opReiniciarEquipo: TRadioButton; opAviso: TRadioButton; BE: TStatusBar; actConfiguracion: TAction; N1: TMenuItem; Configuracin1: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; LWEB: TLabel; Nuev: TLabel; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; opGuardar: TCheckBox; opCapturar: TCheckBox; Button1: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure actAcercaDeExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actAjustarHoraExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actMinimizarExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure actSalirExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure TemporizadorTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure opApagarClick(Sender: TObject); procedure opApagarDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure opAvisoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure opReiniciarClick(Sender: TObject); procedure opReiniciarDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure opReiniciarEquipoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure opReiniciarEquipoDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure actConfiguracionExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure RealizarProceso (); procedure LWEBClick2(Sender: TObject); private iconificada : boolean; FTrayMessage: Cardinal; ejecutadoYa : boolean; procedure RButtonUp; procedure LButtonDblClk; protected procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); override; public Hora : TDatetime;{ Public declarations } cancelar, realizar : boolean; procedure NotifyTray(Command: Word; const Hint: string); end; var wndIconic: TwndIconic; implementation uses About, unidadajustarhora, unidadRealizar; {$R *.DFM} resourcestring STrayMessage = 'AjpdSoft PCU 1.0'; procedure TwndIconic.NotifyTray(Command: Word; const Hint: string); var Data: TNotifyIconData; begin Data.cbSize := SizeOf(Data); Data.uID := 0; Data.uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_ICON or NIF_TIP; Data.Wnd := Self.Handle; Data.uCallbackMessage := FTrayMessage; Data.hIcon := Application.Icon.Handle; StrLCopy(Data.szTip, PChar(Hint), SizeOf(Data.szTip)); Shell_NotifyIcon(Command, @Data); end; procedure TwndIconic.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin if Msg.Msg = FTrayMessage then case Msg.LParam of WM_RBUTTONUP: RButtonUp; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: LButtonDblClk; end else inherited WndProc(Msg); end; procedure TwndIconic.LButtonDblClk; begin with Twndabout.Create(nil) do try ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; procedure TwndIconic.RButtonUp; var Pt: TPoint; begin GetCursorPos(Pt); SetForegroundWindow(Application.Handle); Application.ProcessMessages; PopupMenu1.Popup(Pt.X, Pt.Y); end; procedure TwndIconic.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin realizar := False; cancelar := False; iconificada := false; lhoraactual.Caption := TimeToStr (time); end; procedure TwndIconic.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin ejecutadoya := false; NotifyTray(NIM_DELETE, ''); end; procedure TwndIconic.actAcercaDeExecute(Sender: TObject); begin with Twndabout.Create(nil) do try ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; procedure TwndIconic.actAjustarHoraExecute(Sender: TObject); begin If frmAjustarHora.ShowModal = MrOk Then begin try begin Hora := StrToTime(frmAjustarHora.txthora.Text); lhora.Caption := frmAjustarHora.txthora.Text; actAjustarHora.caption := 'Change hour'; if opApagar.Checked then caption := 'Shutdown at the: ' + TimeToStr (hora); if opReiniciar.Checked then caption := 'Restart at the: ' + TimeToStr (hora); if opAviso.Checked then caption := 'Warning at the: ' + TimeToStr (hora); ejecutadoya := false; temporizador.Enabled := true; end; except messagedlg ('The introduced hour is not correct.', mterror, [mbok],0); end; end; end; procedure TwndIconic.actMinimizarExecute(Sender: TObject); begin hide; actMinimizar.visible := false; actConfiguracion.visible := true; Application.ShowMainForm := False; ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); FTrayMessage := RegisterWindowMessage(PChar(STrayMessage)); NotifyTray(NIM_ADD, ''); iconificada := true; end; procedure TwndIconic.actSalirExecute(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; function GetErrorstring: string; var lz : Cardinal; err : array[0..512] of Char; begin lz := GetLastError; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, lz, 0, @err, 512, nil); Result := string(err); end; procedure apagarPC; var rl, flgs : Cardinal; hToken : Cardinal; tkp : TOKEN_PRIVILEGES; begin flgs := 0; flgs := flgs or EWX_POWEROFF; if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin if not OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, hToken) then ShowMessage ('Has not been possible to open the process. [' + GetErrorstring + ']') else begin if LookupPrivilegeValue(nil, 'SeShutdownPrivilege', tkp.Privileges[0].Luid) then begin tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; tkp.PrivilegeCount := 1; AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, tkp, 0, nil, rl); if GetLastError ERROR_SUCCESS then ShowMessage('An error has taken place when trying to adjust the privileges.'); end else ShowMessage('Has not been the value of the privilege. [' + GetErrorstring + ']'); end; ExitWindowsEx(flgs, 0); end; end; procedure TwndIconic.RealizarProceso (); begin //shutdown If (opapagar.checked = True) Then begin apagarPC; end; //close session current user If (opreiniciar.checked = True) Then ExitWindowsEx (0,0); //restart PC If (opReiniciarEquipo.checked = True) Then ExitWindowsEx (EWX_REBOOT,0); //Warning If (opaviso.checked = True) Then messagedlg ('I warn of the program PCU, surely have something to make...', mtwarning, [mbok],0); frmRealizando.hacer := false; frmRealizando.Close; end; procedure TwndIconic.TemporizadorTimer(Sender: TObject); Var hAlarma,mAlarma : word; hActual,mActual : word; Milisegundos, Segundos : word; begin lhoraactual.Caption := TimeToStr (time); if not ejecutadoYa then begin DecodeTime(Hora, hAlarma, mAlarma, segundos, Milisegundos); DecodeTime(Time, hActual, mActual, segundos, Milisegundos); if iconificada then begin if lhora.Caption 'Without adjusting hour...' then begin if opapagar.Checked then if iconificada then NotifyTray(NIM_MODIFY, 'The PC will fade to those: ' + lHora.Caption); if opReiniciar.Checked then if iconificada then NotifyTray(NIM_MODIFY, 'The session will close to those: ' + lHora.Caption); if opReiniciarEquipo.Checked then if iconificada then NotifyTray(NIM_MODIFY, 'The PC will be restarted to those: ' + lHora.Caption); if opAviso.Checked then if iconificada then NotifyTray(NIM_MODIFY, 'The PC will warn to those: ' + lHora.Caption); end else NotifyTray(NIM_MODIFY, 'It has not adjusted hour of action'); end; //shutdown If (HActual = hAlarma) and (mActual= mAlarma) and (opapagar.checked = True) Then Begin ejecutadoya := true; frmrealizando.lAccion.Caption := 'Will shutdown the PC...'; frmrealizando.temporizador.Enabled := true;; end; //Close the current session If (HActual = hAlarma) and (mActual= mAlarma) and (opreiniciar.checked = True) Then begin ejecutadoya := true; frmrealizando.lAccion.Caption := 'Closing the current session...'; frmrealizando.temporizador.Enabled := true;; end; //Restart the PC If (HActual = hAlarma) and (mActual= mAlarma) and (opReiniciarEquipo.checked = True) Then begin ejecutadoya := true; frmrealizando.lAccion.Caption := 'Restarting the PC...'; frmrealizando.temporizador.Enabled := true;; end; //warning If (HActual = hAlarma) and (mActual= mAlarma) and (opaviso.checked = True) Then begin ejecutadoya := true; temporizador.Enabled := false; frmrealizando.lAccion.Caption := 'Warning to the user...'; frmrealizando.temporizador.Enabled := true;; end; end; end; procedure TwndIconic.opApagarClick(Sender: TObject); begin ejecutadoya := false; be.Panels[0].Text := 'Action: TURN OFF'; end; procedure TwndIconic.opApagarDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin ExitWindowsEx (1,0); end; procedure TwndIconic.opAvisoClick(Sender: TObject); begin ejecutadoya := false; be.Panels[0].Text := 'Action: I WARN'; end; procedure TwndIconic.opReiniciarClick(Sender: TObject); begin ejecutadoya := false; be.Panels[0].Text := 'Action: RESTART CURRENT SESSION'; end; procedure TwndIconic.opReiniciarDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin ExitWindowsEx (0,0); end; procedure TwndIconic.opReiniciarEquipoClick(Sender: TObject); begin ejecutadoya := false; be.Panels[0].Text := 'Action: RESTART PC'; end; procedure TwndIconic.opReiniciarEquipoDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin ExitWindowsEx (EWX_REBOOT,0); end; procedure TwndIconic.actConfiguracionExecute(Sender: TObject); begin show; actMinimizar.Visible := true; iconificada := false; end; procedure TwndIconic.LWEBClick2(Sender: TObject); begin ShellExecute(Handle, Nil, PChar(LWEB.CAPTION), Nil, Nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; end. ******************************************* unit unidadajustarhora; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Mask, Buttons, ExtCtrls; type TfrmAjustarHora = class(TForm) txtHora: TMaskEdit; Label1: TLabel; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; Panel1: TPanel; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var frmAjustarHora: TfrmAjustarHora; implementation {$R *.DFM} end. ********************************************************++ unit unidadRealizar; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls; type TfrmRealizando = class(TForm) bp: TProgressBar; lAccion: TLabel; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; temporizador: TTimer; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure temporizadorTimer(Sender: TObject); private bpulsado : boolean; { Private declarations } public hacer : boolean; { Public declarations } end; var frmRealizando: TfrmRealizando; implementation uses Main; {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmRealizando.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin hacer := true; bpulsado := false; end; procedure TfrmRealizando.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin bpulsado := true; wndiconic.cancelar := true; wndiconic.realizar := false; close; end; procedure TfrmRealizando.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin bpulsado := true; wndiconic.realizar := true; wndiconic.cancelar := false; close; end; procedure TfrmRealizando.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if hacer then begin if not bpulsado then wndIconic.realizar := true; wndiconic.realizarProceso(); end; end; procedure TfrmRealizando.temporizadorTimer(Sender: TObject); var i, j, k : integer; begin temporizador.Enabled := false; wndiconic.cancelar := false; wndiconic.realizar := false; bpulsado := false; bp.Min := 0; bp.max := 1000; bp.Position := 0; refresh; for i := 0 to 1000 do begin bp.Position := i; Application.ProcessMessages; if (wndiconic.cancelar) or (wndiconic.realizar) then begin bpulsado := true; close; end; for j := 1 to 1000 do for k := 1 to 1000 do end; close; end; end. ************************************************************ unit About; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, shellapi; type Twndabout = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Bevel1: TBevel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; txMemory: TLabel; txFree: TLabel; Button1: TButton; LWEB: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure LWEBClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var wndabout: Twndabout; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure Twndabout.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var MS: TMemoryStatus; begin MS.dwLength := SizeOf(MS); GlobalMemoryStatus(MS); txMemory.Caption := FormatFloat('#, KB', MS.dwTotalPhys div 1024); txFree.Caption := FormatFloat('#, KB', MS.dwAvailPhys div 1024); end; procedure Twndabout.LWEBClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShellExecute(Handle, Nil, PChar(LWEB.CAPTION), Nil, Nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; end.