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Show a avi clip in full screen zoom mode

Question: How can I show a AVI clip in full screen zoom mode? Answer: The following example demonstrates playing a AVI file in full screen mode by displaying the AVI on a second form that has the form border style set to bsNone and has no border icons. Note that the second form has a panel with it's alignment set to alClient, and a MediaPlayer component that has a Notify event. We will show the second form maximized, and when the AVI file has played, the Notify event will close the form. Example: {Code for Form 1} uses Unit2; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form2.Show; Form2.WindowState := wsMaximized; Form2.MediaPlayer1.Notify := false; Form2.MediaPlayer1.Display := Form2.Panel1; Form2.MediaPlayer1.FileName := 'C:\TheWall\DELCAR2.AVI'; Form2.MediaPlayer1.Open; Form2.MediaPlayer1.DisplayRect := Form2.ClientRect; Form2.MediaPlayer1.Play; end; {Code for Form 2} procedure TForm2.MediaPlayer1Notify(Sender: TObject); begin if MediaPlayer1.NotifyValue = nvSuccessful then Form2.Close; end;