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Shell_notifyicon in delphi

> I have a question to the Shell_NotifyIcon function: > I can add an icon to the taskbar > I can modify an icon > I can delete an icon. > What I can't do: I can't receive Messages from the Icon!! To receive messages you must add the NIF_MESSAGE flag to your notify structure and tell it what message to send and to which window. This is the code that I use: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TMainForm.UpdateTaskBar; // update the win95 taskbar icon area var NotifyData: TNotifyIconData; begin With NotifyData do // set up the data structure begin cbSize := SizeOf(TNotifyIconData); Wnd := MyForm.Handle; uID := 0; uFlags := NIF_ICON or NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_TIP; // ... the aspects to modify ... uCallbackMessage := WM_MY_MESSAGE; // ... the message to send back to us ... hIcon := hMyIcon; szTip := 'Tool Tip To Display'; // ... and the tool tip end; Shell_NotifyIcon(dwMessage, @NotifyData); // now do the update end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WM_MYMESSAGE is a user defined message. Usually defined as: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const WM_MYMESSAGE = WM_USER + <some number - can be zero>;