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Shared memory in a dll with delphi 2 0

Sharing Memory Mapped Files... Check out the following code: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var HMapping: THandle; PMapData: Pointer; const MAPFILESIZE = 1000; procedure OpenMap; var llInit: Boolean; lInt: Integer; begin HMapping := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MAPFILESIZE, pchar('MY MAP NAME GOES HERE')); // Check if already exists llInit := (GetLastError() <> ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); if (hMapping = 0) then begin ShowMessage('Can''t Create Memory Map'); Application.Terminate; exit; end; PMapData := MapViewOfFile(HMapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if PMapData = nil then begin CloseHandle(HMapping); ShowMessage('Can''t View Memory Map'); Application.Terminate; exit; end; if (llInit) then begin // Init block to #0 if newly created memset(PMapData, #0, MAPFILESIZE); end; end; procedure CloseMap; begin if PMapData <> nil then begin UnMapViewOfFile(PMapData); end; if HMapping <> 0 then begin CloseHandle(HMapping); end; end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any two or more applications or DLLs may obtain pointers to the same physical block of memory this way. PMapData will point to a 1000 byte buffer in this example, this buffer being initialized to #0's the first time in. One potential problem is synchronizing access to the memory. You may accomplish this through the use of mutexes. Here's an example of that: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { Call LockMap before writing (and reading?) to the memory mapped file. Be sure to call UnlockMap immediately when done updating. } var HMapMutex: THandle; const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 1000; function LockMap:Boolean; begin Result := true; HMapMutex := CreateMutex(nil, false, pchar('MY MUTEX NAME GOES HERE')); if HMixMutex = 0 then begin ShowMessage('Can''t create map mutex'); Result := false; end else begin if WaitForSingleObject(HMapMutex,REQUEST_TIMEOUT) = WAIT_FAILED then begin // timeout ShowMessage('Can''t lock memory mapped file'); Result := false; end; end; end; procedure UnlockMap; begin ReleaseMutex(HMixMutex); CloseHandle(HMixMutex); end;