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Shared memory [delphi 32bit]

This shows how to use shared memory in a DLL with Delphi 32bit. Use the functions OpenMap and CloseMap. Any two or more applications or DLLs may obtain pointers to the same physical block of memory this way. PMapData will point to a 1000 byte buffer in this example, this buffer being initialized to #0's the first time in. One potential problem is synchronizing access to the memory. You may accomplish this through the use of mutexes: Call the function LockMap before writing (and reading?) to the memory mapped file. Be sure to call UnlockMap immediately when done updating. From: John Crane: var HMapping: THandle; PMapData: Pointer; const MAPFILESIZE = 1000; procedure OpenMap; var llInit: Boolean; lInt: Integer; begin HMapping := CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MAPFILESIZE, pchar('MY MAP NAME GOES HERE')); // Check if already exists llInit := (GetLastError() <> ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); if (hMapping = 0) then begin ShowMessage('Can''t Create Memory Map'); Application.Terminate; exit; end; PMapData := MapViewOfFile(HMapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if PMapData = nil then begin CloseHandle(HMapping); ShowMessage('Can''t View Memory Map'); Application.Terminate; exit; end; if (llInit) then begin // Init block to #0 if newly created memset(PMapData, #0, MAPFILESIZE); end end; procedure CloseMap; begin if PMapData <> nil then UnMapViewOfFile(PMapData); if HMapping <> 0 then CloseHandle(HMapping); end; var HMapMutex: THandle; const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 1000; function LockMap:Boolean; begin Result := true; HMapMutex := CreateMutex(nil, false, pchar('MY MUTEX NAME GOES HERE')); if HMixMutex = 0 then begin ShowMessage('Can''t create map mutex'); Result := false; end else begin if WaitForSingleObject(HMapMutex,REQUEST_TIMEOUT) = WAIT_FAILED then begin // timeout ShowMessage('Can''t lock memory mapped file'); Result := false; end end end; procedure UnlockMap; begin ReleaseMutex(HMixMutex); CloseHandle(HMixMutex); end;