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Setting windows wallpaper revisited

uses Registry, WinProcs, SysUtils; const // WallPaperStyles WPS_Tile = 0; WPS_Center = 1; WPS_SizeToFit = 2; WPS_XY = 3; // // sWallpaperBMPPath // - path to a BMP file // // nStyle // - any of the above WallPaperStyles // // nX, nY // - if the nStyle is set to WPS_XY, // nX and nY can be used to set the // exact position of the wall paper // procedure SetWallpaperExt( sWallpaperBMPPath : string; nStyle, nX, nY : integer ); var reg : TRegIniFile; s1 : string; X, Y : integer; begin // // change registry // // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ // Control Panel\Desktop // TileWallpaper (REG_SZ) // Wallpaper (REG_SZ) // WallpaperStyle (REG_SZ) // WallpaperOriginX (REG_SZ) // WallpaperOriginY (REG_SZ) // reg := TRegIniFile.Create( 'Control Panel\Desktop' ); with reg do begin s1 := '0'; X := 0; Y := 0; case nStyle of WPS_Tile : s1 := '1'; WPS_Center: nStyle := WPS_Tile; WPS_XY : begin nStyle := WPS_Tile; X := nX; Y := nY; end; end; WriteString( '', 'Wallpaper', sWallpaperBMPPath ); WriteString( '', 'TileWallpaper', s1 ); WriteString( '', 'WallpaperStyle', IntToStr( nStyle ) ); WriteString( '', 'WallpaperOriginX', IntToStr( X ) ); WriteString( '', 'WallpaperOriginY', IntToStr( Y ) ); end; reg.Free; // // let everyone know that we // changed a system parameter // SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, Nil, SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE ); end; Here are two examples on how to call the above SetWallpaperExt() function. // set wallpaper to winnt.bmp and // stretch it to fit the screen SetWallpaperExt( 'c:\winnt\winnt.bmp', WPS_SizeToFit, 0, 0 ); // set the wallpaper origin // to (10, 200) SetWallpaperExt( 'c:\winnt\winnt.bmp', WPS_XY, 10, 200 );