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Set-get accessibility time-out periods

{ Retrieves information about the time-out period associated with the accessibility features. The pvParam parameter must point to an ACCESSTIMEOUT structure that receives the information. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to SizeOf(ACCESSTIMEOUT). } { Ermittelt die maximale Zeit wo der Benutzer keine Eingaben macht bei den Eingabehilfen. "uiParam" muss die Größe der Struktur ACCESSTIMEOUT sein und "pvParam" muss eine ACCESSTIMEOUT-Struktur übergeben werden, die gefüllt wird. } // ACCESSTIMEOUT structure type TAccessTimeOut = record cbSize: UINT; dwFlags: DWORD; iTimeOutMSec: DWORD; end; procedure GetAccessTimeOut(var bTimeOut: Boolean; var bFeedBack: Boolean; var iTimeOutTime: Integer); // bTimeOut: the time-out period for accessibility features. // bFeedBack: the operating system plays a descending // siren sound when the time-out period elapses and the // Accessibility features are turned off. // iTimeOutTime: Timeout in ms var AccessTimeOut: TAccessTimeOut; begin ZeroMemory(@AccessTimeOut, SizeOf(TAccessTimeOut)); AccessTimeOut.cbSize := SizeOf(TAccessTimeOut); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETACCESSTIMEOUT, SizeOf(AccessTimeOut), @AccessTimeOut, 0); bTimeOut := (AccessTimeOut.dwFlags and ATF_TIMEOUTON) = ATF_TIMEOUTON; bFeedBack := (AccessTimeOut.dwFlags and ATF_ONOFFFEEDBACK) = ATF_ONOFFFEEDBACK; iTimeOutTime := AccessTimeOut.iTimeOutMSec; end; // Test it: procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var bTimeOut, bFeedBack: Boolean; iTimeOutTime: Integer; begin GetAccessTimeOut(bTimeOut, bFeedBack, iTimeOutTime); label1.Caption := IntToStr(Ord(bTimeOut)); Label2.Caption := IntToStr(Ord(bFeedBack)); Label3.Caption := IntToStr(iTimeOutTime); end; { Sets the time-out period associated with the accessibility features. The pvParam parameter must point to anACCESSTIMEOUT structure that contains the new parameters. Set the cbSize member of this structure and the uiParam parameter to sizeof(ACCESSTIMEOUT). } { Setzt Informationen zu den ACCESSEDTIMEOUT-Eigenschaften. "uiParam" erwartet die Größe der ACCESSEDTIMEOUT-Struktur, die in "pvParam" übergeben werden muss. } procedure SetAccessTimeOut(bTimeOut, bFeedBack: Boolean; iTimeOutTime: Integer); // bTimeOut: If true, a time-out period has been set for accessibility features. // bFeedBack: If true, the operating system plays a descending // siren sound when the time-out period elapses and the // accessibility features are turned off. // iTimeOutTime: Timeout in ms var AccessTimeOut: TAccessTimeOut; begin ZeroMemory(@AccessTimeOut, SizeOf(TAccessTimeOut)); AccessTimeOut.cbSize := SizeOf(TAccessTimeOut); case bTimeOut of True: AccessTimeOut.dwFlags := ATF_TIMEOUTON; False: AccessTimeOut.dwFlags := 0; end; if bFeedBack then AccessTimeOut.dwFlags := AccessTimeOut.dwFlags or ATF_ONOFFFEEDBACK; AccessTimeOut.iTimeOutMSec := iTimeOutTime; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETACCESSTIMEOUT, SizeOf(AccessTimeOut), @AccessTimeOut, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE or SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE); end; // Test it: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SetAccessTimeOut(True, True, 600000); // 10 min. timeout end;