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Serial port list

> I'm Looking For a Routine to get the number of serial ports in a > machine, There is a function GetSerialPortList but Not in Delphi > Unit Files or any C Header File What function can I use....? ...and here is it - the best function for that! function SerialAvail(ComPort : integer) : boolean; const UsedComm : array[0..5] of char = 'COMx'; var H : integer; {$IFNDEF VER80} i : integer; CommConfig : TCommConfig; {$ENDIF} begin SerialAvail:=false; UsedComm[3]:=chr(ComPort+$31); {$IFDEF VER80} { Win 3.x } H:=OpenComm(@UsedComm,256,256); if H>=0 then begin CloseComm(H); SerialAvail:=true; end; {$ELSE} { Win95/NT } H:=CreateFile(UsedComm,GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); if H<>INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin CloseHandle(H); SerialAvail:=true; end; GetLastError; {$ENDIF} end;