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Sending files to the recycle bin

This article shows how to send a file to the recyle bin rather than deleting immediately. unit RecycleBin; interface uses Windows, ShellApi; function RecycleFile(Filename: string; const Prompt: Boolean): Boolean; function RecycleFiles(Files: TStrings; const Prompt: Boolean): Boolean; implementation function RecycleFile(Filename: string; const Prompt: Boolean): Boolean; var Struct: TSHFileOpStruct; Tmp: string; ResultVal: Integer; begin Tmp := FileName+#0#0; Struct.wnd := 0; Struct.wFunc := FO_DELETE; Struct.pFrom := PChar(Tmp); Struct.pTo := nil; Struct.fFlags:= FOF_ALLOWUNDO; if not Prompt then Struct.fFlags := Struct.fFlags or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; Struct.fAnyOperationsAborted := False; Struct.hNameMappings := nil; ResultVal := ShFileOperation(Struct); Result := (Resultval = 0); end; function RecycleFiles(Files: TStrings; const Prompt: Boolean): Boolean; var I: Integer; AllFiles: string; NextPos: PChar; begin Result := False; if Files.Count = 0 then Exit; SetLength(AllFiles, Length(Files.Text)); FillChar(AllFiles[1], Length(AllFiles), 0); NextPos := @AllFiles[1]; for I := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do begin Move(PChar(Files[I])^, NextPos^, Length(Files[I])); Inc(NextPos, Length(Files[I]) + 1); end; SetLength(AllFiles, NextPos - @AllFiles[1]); Result := RecycleFile(AllFiles, Prompt); end;