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Sending an email from delphi using mapi

If you do not want to rely on Outlook to send an email but you know that MAPI is installed, then you can also send mails with the following handy routine SendMailMAPI(). You need to add unit MAPI to your uses clause. Note that MAPI is not always installed with Windows. Thanks to Sven Sonderegger for improving the code with the 'SMTP:' prefix. program MAPIMail; uses MAPI; function SendMailMAPI(const Subject, Body, FileName, SenderName, SenderEMail, RecepientName, RecepientEMail: String) : Integer; var message: TMapiMessage; lpSender, lpRecepient: TMapiRecipDesc; FileAttach: TMapiFileDesc; SM: TFNMapiSendMail; MAPIModule: HModule; begin FillChar(message, SizeOf(message), 0); with message do begin if (Subject<>'') then begin lpszSubject := PChar(Subject) end; if (Body<>'') then begin lpszNoteText := PChar(Body) end; if (SenderEMail<>'') then begin lpSender.ulRecipClass := MAPI_ORIG; if (SenderName='') then begin lpSender.lpszName := PChar(SenderEMail) end else begin lpSender.lpszName := PChar(SenderName) end; lpSender.lpszAddress := PChar('SMTP:'+SenderEMail); lpSender.ulReserved := 0; lpSender.ulEIDSize := 0; lpSender.lpEntryID := nil; lpOriginator := @lpSender; end; if (RecepientEMail<>'') then begin lpRecepient.ulRecipClass := MAPI_TO; if (RecepientName='') then begin lpRecepient.lpszName := PChar(RecepientEMail) end else begin lpRecepient.lpszName := PChar(RecepientName) end; lpRecepient.lpszAddress := PChar('SMTP:'+RecepientEMail); lpRecepient.ulReserved := 0; lpRecepient.ulEIDSize := 0; lpRecepient.lpEntryID := nil; nRecipCount := 1; lpRecips := @lpRecepient; end else begin lpRecips := nil end; if (FileName='') then begin nFileCount := 0; lpFiles := nil; end else begin FillChar(FileAttach, SizeOf(FileAttach), 0); FileAttach.nPosition := Cardinal($FFFFFFFF); FileAttach.lpszPathName := PChar(FileName); nFileCount := 1; lpFiles := @FileAttach; end; end; MAPIModule := LoadLibrary(PChar(MAPIDLL)); if MAPIModule=0 then begin Result := -1 end else begin try @SM := GetProcAddress(MAPIModule, 'MAPISendMail'); if @SM<>nil then begin Result := SM(0, Application.Handle, message, MAPI_DIALOG or MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0); end else begin Result := 1 end; finally FreeLibrary(MAPIModule); end; end if Result<>0 then begin MessageDlg('Error sending mail ('+IntToStr(Result)+').', mtError, [mbOk], 0) end; end; begin end.